
Rriel's Point of view

The pounding of my head left tears in my eyes. I had a horrible headache. The ball with Emmy was fun, but on the other hand, stressful. So many monkmaids we're excited about the dance with Emmy and me. I was somewhat. I wish I knew if my intentions were pure. Was I picking Emmy, so I didn't have to choose someone else?

I sit on the big rock in my room. I close my eyes and replay the smile on Emmy's face. She looks so happy. She finally has everything she ever wanted. I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in."

I see my father's face, and he seems so happy. I need to pretend like I'm head over heels for Emmy. I need to make my father proud.

He walks over to my rock and takes a seat. My senses dance with happiness as he hands me a glass of seaweed tea. I dip a big sip, and it warms my throat.

"I am so proud of you for making the right choice," he tells me.

"Emmy is a keeper," I grin.

"You two have been friends forever. I can't believe I haven't noticed how much you like her," he says.

"We have grown closer over the past few weeks."

"And you're not just picking her to get out of picking someone," he asks with his eyebrows up in the air.

He's so bright I should have known he would see through my acting. I shake my head no. "I love her."

"Love her," my dad says with his mouth open. I was even startled when I said the words.

I nod my head. "Very much."

"I am so happy for you and the kingdom," he says, hugging me. I always felt comfortable in my dad's embrace.

Once our hug is over, my dad leaves my room. I am ashamed of myself to admit I am relieved. Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I realize how nervous I am getting. When I ask Emmy to be my queen, it will have to be a perfect night for her to remember.

I close my eyes, I smile. All the wonderful thoughts I had in my mind of how I could make her dreams come true. I can ask her in the garden with a dozen singing fish. I can take her out for seaweed pudding. This will be magical, and the moment I fell in love with Emmy.

My Fin hits the ground as I get up from the rock. I move down the hallway and towards the main entrance of the castle. Many monkmaids were busy. Some were cleaning, which was the janitorial stuff. The royal guard members were getting ready for a meeting. Soon I would lead the team, and not father.

I swim quickly, trying to escape before anyone sees me. Once outside of the castle, I take a deep breath of water. Fish, water, sand, and seaweed fill my eyes. I hear the galloping sound I long for. My heart is filled with joy. I see my pet Scout. He rushes to me, and I scoop him up in a big hug.

Scout has been missing for two weeks. I have been beside myself for what could have happened to him. My father said maybe he scrambled ashore and got captured by a human boat.

I notice a notebook in his mouth and take it with my hands. Looking at the letters, I noticed this isn't my language. It seems like human writing. I have seen a couple of papers float down from above sea. I place my hand over the cover, magically transforming the human language into mine. Opal. What's an opal? I change the writing inside the notebook into my language. It's not what. It's a who, and this is her diary.