
Opal's Point of view

It was a horrible day at school. I was almost mad at Rriel. Everything is a mess between Grayson and me, but does it really even matter? Was there anything between us besides a couple of bats of an eyelash, cheating on a test, and some text messages?

I look at Rriel. There is no denying that he would be an exceptional boyfriend. I'm still trying to figure out if this is make-believe. He is a character in a book. I feel so overwhelmed and pulled in so many different directions.

Rriel puts his arm around me. I feel the warmth of his body, and I enjoy it. I smile. I couldn't help but show the giddiness that I was feeling.

Besides the boy problem in my life, I was finally a senior. Next year will be my last year of school.

"Any plans for the first day of summer vacation?" Rriel asks me, breaking my thoughts.

"To catch up on some reading."

"Sounds interesting," he chuckles.

"I know. I am a loser."

"You're not a loser," he tells me.