Chapter 1 – Creation.

[[Connection Completed]]

[[Welcome To "The Infinity Wills Online"]]

(So that's how the connection work huh? It felt like I fell asleep.) – thought the girl while opening her eyes.


The girl was standing inside the digital space, a pixel could be seen floating everywhere around her.

(Huh, I'm really in a game. I can move my body the like in real life.)

"Welcome newcomer." – a female voice could be heard coming from behind the girl.

Girl looked behind her and saw a little child with wings. The child was dressed in boyish style and her wings looked there were made out of digits.

"Who are you?" – asked girl.

"My name is Majkini and I'm a digital fairy. I'm the guide that will help a bit before departing to the next world." – replied unknown girl while looking smug.


"What is it, something wrong?"

"No, well, em…You are real right? Not some old fat man controlling you remotely, right?"


"S-sorry, it's just that I still can't believe that this place is real. This kind of scenarios only happens in novels or cartoons." – replied girl while looking nervous and excited at the same time.

"Don't worry. You will accept this new reality pretty soon. You can move your body like normal person so there won't be any problem with adapting to the new world." – replied young girl.

"Yea, I can move my body without a problem. It was said that our senses would connected to this world as well?"

The young child approached the 5 feet tall female and pinched her on stomach.

"Ow! That really hurt?!"

"All of your senses in this world are real. You can smell flowers, taste a food, see anything in front of you, hear anything around you and you can touch as well as interact with thing in this world like in your world."

"Now then. Let us begin the character creation process."

The digital fairy clapped her hands and giant status game like winddown opened right next to her.

"The world that you will enter is the world where concept of classes and level exists. We will first begin by choosing your classes."

"Hmm? Did you said just "classes" instead of "class"?

"Affirmative. You will pick 2 classes that are currently shown to you. As time passes you will level up by doing various things, leveling up will not only make you stronger but your classes as well. Your classes will be able to evolve as you grow stronger allowing them to take more powerful forms, there are as well some other ways to change your class and give it new form, but you will have to find out about it yourself."

(She probably meant that there is something like hidden quest that will give me hidden class, if I complete it.)

"The classes that you will pick are called the "Main Classes", there is also "Occupation Classes" that you will be able to learn later on."

"The occupation classes are things like farmer, blacksmith, alchemist, and things like, you can have multiple types of this classes, however they can only level up by doing work related to them."

The girl approached the floating object and begin looking at the available classes.

([Fighter] [Adventurer], [Light Priest], [Soldier]…...there is a lot to choose from. I will probably play by myself so I should be more careful when picking a classes. Let see…)

"Excuse me, are there any classes that can summon or tame monsters to join my side?"

"There are classes that are able to do that. [Tamer] and [Manifestor]. These two classes are entire focuses on summoning and controlling monster. There are also other classes that may be able to use, summon or may even create monsters."


"How does [Tamer] exactly works?"

"[Tamer] is a class that focuses on fighting alongside monsters. [Tamer] signature skill is [Tame] and it's available right from the start.

The girl extended her hand forward towards the girl and second game widow popped up.


[Skill type: Active]

[Activation Cost: The MP consumption depends on the target.]

[Attempt to tame the creature within range of 15 meters. If the skill [Tame] is activated successfully then the creature will permanently became your companion, however if skills fails then skill will go into cooldown for 1 min. If skill succeed then it will enter into cooldown for 1 hour.

The succession rate of the skill depends on multiple factors: Is the creature hostile or friendly, the level difference between the target, the amount of HP creature currently possess and user and the strength of the target(Not the strength stat). Some creatures cannot be tamed and there are some creatures that can only be tamed only if they allow you to tame them. Tamed creature will be automatically transported into [Tamer Book].]

[Restrictions: Can't use it on tamed creature owned by somebody else. Can't use on target with higher level that you. Can't be used on boss type monsters. Can't be used on intelligent tribe type monsters, but there are some expectations to this rule.]

"One more important thing about the [Tamer], if you pick that class an extra stat called [Taming Mastery] will be generated. This stats create a points system that influenced the number of creatures that can accompany you. Stronger creatures require more points from [Taming Mastery] so be careful when you are forming your team."

"For example."

You have 10 points from [Taming Mastery].

Monster A and Monster B both need 5 points of your [Taming Mastery] to be summoned, 10/10 points in use – 2 creature accompanying you.

Monster C is stronger that Monster A and need 10 points instead, 10/10 points in use – 1 creature accompanying you.

"Quite simple, isn't it? Oh and one more thing, you and your tamed creatures share EXP, meaning the EXP you and your creatures would earn would be splitted among you. "

(So the tradeoff for having companion(s) alongside you is slower leveling up rate.)

"Hmm…" – (Honestly speaking, I always enjoyed playing summoner type classes in games. I would always pick tamer or necromancer classes in game whenever I had option to.)

"Is there any item restriction or something? Like only the specific class can use sword or shield, stuff like that."

"Yes and no. Yes, you can equipe any item, HOWEVER items often have restrictions on them, if you don't fulfil all the restrictions then the item will become unusable for you until the conditions are meet."

(Huh, that nice then.) – though Mix while browsing through the list of available classes

"Excuse me, what about [Manifestor]? What exactly is it?"

"[Manifestor] is a class that specializes in false summons and real summons."

"What the difference between the summons?"

"[Manifestor] is a class that focuses on summoning monsters to your side. Simple put it uses your energy such as MP to create a monster(s) to fight along side you. Some will stay until for limited time or some will continuously drain your energy, there are also those who won't do either of those things and will fight will you until they die or are de-summoned."

"[Manifestor] playstyle may change depending on your first class. I recommend picking one the long range or support classes if you are planning to pick [Manifestor]."

"Hmm…" – the girl wonder about what to pick.

"If I were to pick [Tamer] I should probably pick class that specializing in long range combat like [Archer], [Dark Priest], [Light Priest] or [Apprentice Mage] they are probably best options if I'm planning to pick [Tamer], since monster can fight from close range while I can fight safely from afar."

"If I were to pick [Manifestor] I would probably need to pick that specializes in long range combat as well."

"But screw all that and let's go my own way.

"My classes of choosing are [Tamer] and [Manifestor]."

"…Ho? Are you sure about it?" – replied fairy with confused look.

"Yea. It may be a stupid idea or great idea. Call me stupid or crazy, but it will be fun!"

(Damn, that gyaru is interesting.) – though fairy while looking excited.

"Last chance to change your mind?" – asked fairy.

"No thanks."

[You have chosen classes [Tamer] and [Manifestor].]

[Is this your final decision?] [YES/NO]


[Congratulation. You have acquired [Tamer] class and [Manifestor] class.]

"Now that you have chosen your classes there are only three thing remaining, your nickname, the equipment you will start with and choosing the location in with you want to start in."

A digital keyboard suddenly appeared in front of the gyaru.

(So I use this to write my nickname? Well then.) – the girl begined writing on the floating keyboard.


[Will this be your nickname?] [YES/NO]


"Now please chose equipment."

(I will probably move a lot and long range weapon should a good choice.)

[Gun] [Crossbow] [Bow]

"Excuse me, how does range weapons works? Is there anything like auto aiming?"

"No, there is no such thing, you will have to aim your weapons manually. On top of that there is no such thing as free ammunition as well."

(Oh, well that is bad.)

(Calm down. I often write in my novels about realistic weapons and because of that I often read the articles about medieval weapons and nowadays weapons like a guns.)

(I never used bow in my life and I know you need to have patience and time to perfect using it and since I have zero experience with it, I will take some time before I can use it normally so I should probably take the weapon that is easiest to use then? Crossbow or a gun, I read how the crossbow and guns were used and I know they are very easy to use, but what should I chose in the end?)

(If you think about the guns, they are way more deadly that crossbows or bows, since the bullets….Wait a second!) – Mix suddenly stopped her thinking process after remembering something.

"Excuse me, are ammunitions reusable?"

"Depends. Arrows and crossbow bolts are mostly reusable for long time, unlike guns."

(I know that that arrows and crossbow bolt were collected so it can be used later on. I don't know how much ammunition will cost so it's good that you can reuse bolts and arrows. Good thing I asked.)

(Since bow is the big no for now and guns may require me to spend some money. That leaves only the crossbow.)

[You had picked the crossbow as your starting weapon.]

"Is this equipment you want to receive?"


"Well then player Mix, in with spot do you wish to begin in, if you wish I can chose your starting location randomly."

"Then please random."

The little fairy snaped her finger and dice appeared in her second hand. She throwed the dice on the floor and after it stopped moving an screen popped out from the dice top.

[Your chosen starting location is: Green Town.]

[Is this is your final decision]



[Warning! This is your last chance to change chosen classes, nickname, received equipment and starting location. Are you absolutely sure you want to proceed with your current choices?]



"Well then, please enjoy yourself and goodbye for now."

A column of light suddenly appeared where player Mix was standing, swallowing her whole in the process. The light disappeared seconds later and the girl that was inside of it was gone as well.

"…You know it's rude to peek around, right?"

"Oh, you found me already?"

A door like object suddenly emergent from the ground. Right after the door emergent it opened and a little girl in a dress with digital wings walked out of it.

"Yo sis."

Lajkini the digital fairy.

"What do you want? Shouldn't you be helping people with their character creation right now?" - asked Majkini.

"I took a short break and decided to see what are you doing sis." – replied Lajkini.

"I'm doing my job what else? I noticed your presence long ago but didn't send you off because I didn't want to bother the player Mix."

"How cold, don't you wish to spend time with your sister?"

"A trouble maker sister that is making problems that I have to deal with them later on?"


"Look, because of the number of the players that are creating their account at the same time, the bots can't keep up and so we were order to help up a bit until the situation calm down."

"Yea, yea, jeez! I'm going, I'm going just stop nagging, but before I got can I ask something."

"What is it?"

"What was the deal with her? It seem like she was planning only to pick [Tamer] or [Manifestor] and not both of them, yet she took picked them both? What was her deal?"

"Who knowns? We were only order to help players them in creation process and not influence their decisions. They are the only one who decide their own path."