Chapter 20 EXTRA – Classes (1), players NPCs and monster, difference between these 3 and some other stuff.

Hello everyone.

This EXTRA chapter will give a brief explanation of some classes that were mentioned in the story of "Monster Empress – Virtual Reality", as well as some other stuff.

[Tamer] – [Common Class]

Tamer is a class that focuses on taming wild monsters and making them your companion. When player became a tamer, he receive an Extra stat called [Taming Mastery], this new stat create a point system called [Taming Mastery Points]

When tamer wants to summon his tamed creature, he need to use [Taming Mastery Points] to summon the chosen creature.

If the tamer doesn't possess enough available [Taming Mastery Points] then it will be impossible to summon the chosen creature.

There is no limit of how many active tamed creatures you can have, as long as you have enough [Taming Mastery Points]

[Manifestor] – [Common Class]

Manifestor is a class that focus on summoning monster to fight alongside you. Manifestor isn't a strong class and it can be said to be quiet weak, however it's true value will be revealed once it evolves.

The second main aspect of the Manifestor, monster creation will be only be available after the class evolves.

[Fighter] – [Common Class]

Fighter is a class that focuses on combat, it can be compared to the warrior type class in other games. It's bit more focus on offense

[Soldier] – [Common Class]

Soldier is a class that focuses on combat, it can be compared to the warrior type class in other games. It's bit more focus on defense.

[Thug] – [Common Class]

Thug is class that focuses on fighting dirty. Ambush, assassination and stuff like that. Simple put dealing with opponent before they have chance to react or just giving your opponent disadvantage.

[Archer] – [Common Class]

Archer is a class that focus on long range. This class only abilities and skill are only focused on bow type and Crossbow type weapons, most of the class skills are related to those two types of weapons.

[Newbie Adventurer] – [Common Class]

Newbie Adventurer could be said to be all-rounder, an multiple purpose class that can do multiple things.

[Light Priest] – [Common Class]

Light Priest is an class that focuses on support, it possess both healing powers and buffs that can be used on himself or on allies.

[Dark Priest] – [Common Class]

Dark Priest is a class that focuses on offense and debuffs, most of this class skills are debuff type skills that put opponent in disadvantage.

[Fire Mage Apprentice] – [Common Class]

Fire Mage Apprentice is a class that focuses on spell type skills / Fire element type skills. This class revolves around the stat [Intelligent] and [Mana]

Starting Locations.

When players create their character, they are presented with option about their starting locations:

Black Town, White Town, Blue Town, Red Town, Green Town, Yellow Town, Orange Town and Purple Town, 8 locations in total. Player will chose one of those towns or chose it at random, after the entire creation prosses is completed, the player will automatically be transported to the designated town. However remember! You can't change your starting location once you complete the character creation

Respawn and death penalty.

[Death Penalty]

When player dies, they will lose one level and they will end up dropping an item. The dropped items by players can be picked by anybody, including other players.

The [Infamous] points will influence the amount of EXP and will also increase the chance of dropping the current wearing equipment at the moment of the death.

When player dies, they are also forcefully logged off and are not able to join the game for specific amount of time.

When person dies, he/she will be unable to log on for next 2 hour in real life time = 6 in game hours. Once the ban is lifted player can log on again, HOWEVER! If the player dies again within the spawn of 24 in game hours after the ban is lifted, the player will be then banned instead for 12 real life hours = 36 in game hours.

The player will also lose specific amount of money in their possession upon death.

Some things may influences the death penalty for example quests, it may increase the penalties or decrees the them instead.

IF the player still didn't leave the beginner area, the player will possess [Newbie Protection]

While player have [Newbie Protection] player will have 0% chance of dropping items, will not lose EXP after death and the respawn time will be instant, meaning they will not be logged off but instead respawned instantly.

The moment player leaves the beginner area the buff will permanently disappear.

[Respawn location]

How does respawn works?

Simply put, when you die and log in again, you will be respawned at the nearest settlement, however some conditions need to be meet.

1. You need to visit the settlement at least once.

2. You need to possess neutral or friendly relationship with said settlement or its owner.

3. Settlement need to have a specific rank or be a specific thing, for example:

-A camp with tons of tents – WON'T WORK.

-A village, fortress, city, town – WILL WORK.


If none of this factors are meet, then it you won't be able to respawn in the said location.

If by any chance the settlement became hostile to you, then it will be no longer possible to spawn in it.

[Players, NPCs and Monsters.]

How can player, NPCs and monster tell apart one another?

NPCs, monsters and players all possess something called [Check].

[Check] will automatically activate the moment individual looks directly at the target. This option can be turned off if some players are annoyed by it.

How to tell if target is a monster?

NPCs, monsters and players can use something called [Check]. Using it will display target name, if target doesn't have a name then race will be displayed instead, the [Check] will also display target level and their current precent of HP (100% HP). The showed informations will be shown in red window.

How can you tell if person is a player?

Using [Check] on player will show an blue symbol, indicating that the target is a player and that is all.

[Check] won't show the player nickname, their level or any of their information.

How to tell if person is NPC?

Using [Check] on NPC will show their name highland in green window as well as their current HP, but it won't show their level or anything else.

Some powerful NPCs posses titles attached to their name and some NPCs posses code names instead.

For example:


[Bandit] [Royal Knight] [Mansion Maid]

Or some NPCs may be just called and share name [Royal Knight].

-Title NPCs:

[Malenon Danwen, Baron Of Green Moon Kingdom]

Some NPCs are able to mask their identity by different means for example:

[The Guy] -> [Unknown Man].

NOTCICE: NPCs can tell if person is NPC, monster or Player, but they can't see other NPCs names.

[Check restrictions]

-You need to look directly at the target.

-You need to have the target in your field of view.

-You need to have clear vision on the target, you need to see specific amount of their body in your line of light. The size of the target body may influence how much body you need to see.

-The target needs to be in specific distance. This can be influenced by target size and some items that helps you with vision.