Blood for blood

Slowly, as to not provoke the archer, Cael reached for the collar of his tunic and pulled out his Mage's Mark. He rubbed on it to wash at least some of the grime.

"I'm Cael Oliveira. It's… a long story. But it's written on my Mark." He raised the engraved side towards the man.

System declared about two more upgrades it purchased on Cael's previous command. He ignored her, since they were of the less important kind, anyway—just stat boosts.

The archer squinted and made two steps forward. His eyesight must've been amazing to read the tiny letters from that distance.

He lowered his bow and straightened.

"Ohoo, what a meeting! It's a pity this isn't the time or place for long stories, because I've never heard about magic like yours. I'm Ignazio Vespertino, an ally of your father. And I have to get back to him, but," Ignazio lifted a hand to the gash on his shoulder and cringed. "I need a moment first. And find more arrows."