For all that is holy, part 1

Arca chose a wind-swept hill, from the flat top of which one had a magnificent view of both Castelrosso and the sea. Cael could even see the individual ships in the harbor, and that the kraken Bubbles and the merfolks have left it.

Besides Arca, there weren't many people present—only Arca's subordinates and Myrna. Others were too busy to watch, even if they wanted to.

Except for Niko. Though the mage wasn't there in the flesh, Cael felt an unmistakable pinprick of his gaze, looking at him from far away.

"Are you sure your subordinates won't interfere, signore Santangelo?" Cael asked, glancing at Arca's priests. They glowered back at him. They were against the idea of a duel from the start.

Arca smiled and waved his hand in dismissal. "They trust in me in my plan like one trusts in gods and their grand design."