Act III: The Foundation Games | Familiar shores

More days passed. They turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, until the day came for Cael and his family (wife, pet cat, and pet concubine) to leave.

He never intended to stay on the island forever, after all.

"New Andanodians will pray for your return, Great Devil!" Carver promised on the day of their parting.

"No need to pray—just wait for it."

Even though Cael achieved many other things during the year on the island, he still hadn't restored the spell that would turn fettas and normies into humans. He thought he did, at some point—but the volunteer just turned into a slightly more humanoid than normal fetta. He also almost died, and Cael didn't want to risk it again until he was absolutely sure.

Like Cael planned from the start, he messaged someone on the mainland to bring a ship to the island. He thought about asking Tarek, but it was Niko and Myrna who were in the area and agreed to pay a captain for the ride.