
The answer was simple. Cael summoned a pair of massive Mage's Hands and used them to tear out a centipede's leg. Then, holding his trophy close, Cael flew to rise above the forest again.

Here, he could finally relax and return to his normal form. Having limbs had never felt so great before.

"There you go," Cael muttered, storing the massive—as long as he was tall—limb in his book. "I could've hunted some more, but I don't think this is a good idea… I better just wait for Janus."

Cael flew over the forest, watching the movement of mana under him. Although at first the trees only emanated hostile intent near the place where he fought the centipede, this was spreading along with Cael's flight.

In order to not alarm the entire forest towards himself—and hoping that the trees will forget him eventually—instead of going directly to the meeting point, Cael made a long circle around the forest.