Tea with Dante, part 3

Cael watched with bated breath as Dante nonchalantly picked up the piece of candy and brought it to his lips. He controlled his breath, carefully breathing through his nose to not give out his anticipation, and still had a hard time appearing calm.

If his idea succeeded, then Cael would have a significant chance to win without fighting at all! But if it failed, then there was a high probability of Dante attacking—or doing something otherwise unpleasant. The mage already showed that he would use dishonest tactics without a thought about honor.

Dante's hand paused just a few centimeters away from his mouth.

"Is something wrong, signore Oliveira?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Cael blinked and realized that he had been staring at Dante way too intently. He hurriedly shook his head.