
"Money?" Dieter suggested, staring down at Cael with mocking eyes. The rest of his expression was sickeningly polite.

Cael scoffed and chose to ignore the insult of this offer. "I want to set a rule for our… competition. For both our teams, of course. The most recent events showed me that it's necessary to fulfill my ongoing goals. You know which ones."

Dieter's expression soured for a moment before the polite mask returned. "Just one rule? What is it?"

Cael lifted a finger. "We won't attack each other again, and won't create additional obstacles in each other's way. Whoever gets their hands on the Ice Flower first, owns it."

The brief burst of laughter that came from Dieter at this was completely expected. Dieter raised his brows at Cael incredulously. "I don't believe that you won't take the Ice Flower from me by force if I were to take it. This is what anyone would do in your place. In Astnar's place."