Dieter stared into Cael's eyes for a long, stretching moment, as if seeking the lie there. Then he relented, chuckling under his breath.
"I was right, Cael. You ARE mad. I simply misunderstood the details." He brought a hand to his temple, and Cael felt mana sparkling under it. "Jarl Astnar is relentless. He will be here soon… Sooner than Calvo catches up with us. I thought you would debilitate him for longer, but he probably isn't even too cold yet."
Cael smirked to himself, thinking that even if Astnar was just as uncooperative as Ludwig, Cael had an heir to replace him, too. Although he'd never wish that fate on Niko. It would probably drive him insane… In a more drastic way than just some voices.
"I will deal with Astnar," he said. "But it will be easier to do, as you said, with the Ice Flower in our hands. Can you walk?"
Dieter grinned. "Let me drink something restorative, and I will manage. Occhio!"