81. "A Morning of Love, Appreciation, and Transformation"




Next day,

"Knock... knock...!!"

The delicate resonance of a knock shattered the tranquil realm of slumber, rousing Lucien and Vivienne from their embrace. Following a night of passionate ardor, they had succumbed to a deep and peaceful sleep, entwined in each other's arms.

"Hmmn." Vivienne stirred first, her eyelids fluttering open as she shielded her gaze from the intrusive rays of light.

"Ahhh!" A subtle twinge in her lower body prompted a soft moan to escape Vivienne's lips.

Casting her eyes towards her side, she beheld the sight of her handsome husband, serenely enveloping her waist with his embrace. An involuntary smile graced her features, reflecting her blissful contentment.

"Good morning, my dear." Vivienne whispered, tenderly pressing her lips against his forehead, and then bestowing a gentle peck upon his lips.

"Mmn!" Lucien's eyelids flickered, gradually unveiling his eyes, and his vision was instantly met by Vivienne's radiant smile.