83. "Compelling Backup Evidence of Mr. Mael"



"Very well, then. Uncle James, Simran, take care of the mansion while we are off!" Vivienne waved at both of them, a gesture of appreciation before taking hold of one of Lucien's hands.

Together, they left the dining room, their footsteps echoing through the mansion as they swiftly made their way towards the awaiting car.

With a purposeful departure, they set off towards the Nexus General Hospital, where their beloved Olivia awaited their arrival.


In the hushed confines of Olivia Ward's hospital room, Vivienne entered with a warm smile on her face, extending a gentle hug towards her friend.

"Greetings, Olivia! How fares your recovery today?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Seated upon her bed, Olivia returned the smile, her countenance emanating a soft glow that hinted at her improving health.

"I am feeling quite well, actually. It seems that my body is responding positively to the treatment," she replied, her voice laced with relief.