Chp 17 : Elena's Sacrifice

"Siun listen to me carefully okay? Run as fast as you can to our house and lock all the doors and windows. Then you must not turn on any lights, dont let them know you're in there!"

"B-but mom what about you?! And I'm not as fast as you either!"

*huff* "I-It's fine dont worry about me! Didn't you *huff* see what I did to that massive tree? J-just run as fast as you can, you are a Xinthri just like me! It's in your blood, just focus on running as fast as you can!"


They heard another rustle, and 3 more tree demons emerged from the shadows.

"Just go now before it's too late! Run!"

This time Siun didn't ask anymore questions and just ran as fast as he can.

[Siun : I know that I am part Xinthri but I'm just three! I cant run that fast yet!]

*Tex reappears*

[Siun : Ahh thank god your back Tex! Help me!]

[Tex : Calm down! panicking won't make you run faster it will only slow down your breathing! Just breathe slowly and focus on your legs!]

Siun followed Tex's instructions and calmed down, he then felt a burning sensation in his legs. It was as if a thousand fire ants were biting his legs.

He ignored this pain and as Tex said, Siun was now running as fast as Elena.




*huff* *huff*

Elena tried to calm down and catch her breath as the 3 new tree monsters emerged. The tallest one of them growled in a low pitched voice as the 2 other shorter tree demons started to camouflage.

"Shit! They can camouflage, just my luck!"

Now that her child was gone she could swear as much as she wanted to.

The tall tree demon charged at her and she narrowly dodged, her skirt was now torn at the sides. exposing her dainty leg which was now stained with crimson red blood.

"Take this!"

She said as she quickly swung her right arm that she enhanced with magic power, that mimicked a wind blade.

As the blade slashed the tree in half, the tree demon let out a horrifying screech.

"Phew... That actually worked..."

But before Elena could get a rest, the branch of one of the camouflaged demon stabbed her right shoulder. Her blood gushed out like a waterfall.


Elena shrieked as even more blood splattered all over her hair and face.

She wiggled as an attempt to get branch the out of her shoulder, but it only made the wound bigger.

She only started panicking even more when the other tree demon uncamouflaged itself and walked closer to her slowly as the other tree demon swung her body around like a doll.


Tears started rolling down her eyes as she couldn't think of a way to escape

Elena didn't know what to do anymore. The demon slowly walked closer and closer as she was trying to come up with a plan. Elena's mind was a mess, the only thing that came to mind was to kill her self with her remaining arm. Elena thought killing herself was surely a better option than being killed by a demon.

Elena readied her left arm with another wind blade, then all of the sudden...





The two tree demons stood in shock, Elena cut off her right arm!



Elena screamed out as her limp body fell onto the floor.

*huff* *huff*

She was trying to calm herself down, the shock of what she just did was setting in as she looked towards where her right arm should've been.

[Elena : Ahhhh! That was close! I can't believe I even let the thought of killing myself enter my mind! I have a husband and son to take care of!]

She thought as she tried to stand back up, it was hard since she only has her left arm now.

The two tree demons recovered from their shock and both charge at her at the same time

"Bring it on!"

Elena simultaneously yelled as she ran as fast as she could towards the two demons.

The two demons both aimed for her ankles. Thanks to Elena's speed she narrowly avoided loosing another limb. She then again tried to charge at the demons, but that only ended in her receiving a scratch on her chest.



All she could do now was retreat and climb up a tree to rest, which was an impressive feat considering she only had her left arm.


