Chp 32 : Daddy's Princess

Elena heated up her brass knuckles and used all her body weight to punch through the glass box.

She then immediately proceeded to run straight towards the blonde demon but she was attacked by the kangals protecting him.

To Yael's surprise, she was completely overpowered by the Kangal demons. They bit all her limbs to stay in place keeping her kneeling in position unable to move

"Huhuhu... how interesting, you dont seem to be an ordinary peasant judging by your powers"

"Argh! What are you going to do to me?!"

The demon slowly approached Yael and covered her eyes with his palm.

"The great Damion is going to bless you with wonderful memories... now go to sleep, and have a sweet dream~..."



Was the sound the training dummy made when it was cut cleanly straight in half by a wooden sword that was enhanced by fire

"Hehehe! Daddy look! Aren't you proud of me!"

"Tch... Your average at best! Compared to the rest of the royal family you are a joke to the Seux family! Maybe that's why we aren't in the main family yet! It's because you make us Lyles look like jokes!"

The man said as he angrily stormed off leaving the little girl alone.

The girl looked down into her palms, that had calluses from holding the wooden sword, training harshly everyday and night.

*sigh* "Every time I think I did good daddy always says im bad at using the sword! Maybe im just talentless when it comes to wielding swords!"

The little girl flopped down onto the dirt, surrounded by countless of training dummies that were cut in half by herself.

"Mmmm... maybe I should try out a different weapon! Then daddy will be proud of me!"


[Yael : Hey I remember this...]

She said, right now she was in a pitch black space floating around and unable to move... Then suddenly Damion the blonde demon appeared in front of her.

[Damion : Huhu of course you do, this is your memory]

[Yael : You demon what have you done to me?! Is this one of your dark magic?!]

[Damion : As expected of the royal family, yes this is the kind of dark magic I do, I call it reflection magic... I really should've realized who you were sooner, Yael Lyle... But it's because you haven't had a debut when you were six so no one really knows who your are... I wonder why hm?]

[Yael : Like I would answer the questions of a demon!]

[Damion : Hahaha don't need to be so defensive... I can just look into your memories anyways, so really there was no need to ask you that question, all will be revealed soon anyways... Lets go to the memory of your 4th year]

[Yael : NO! STO-]


"Hehehe! Daddy aren't you proud of me! I know you are!"

"Of course I am! My Yael is the best!"

This time the pair of father and daugther weren't in the training field... this time they were in a dungeon. And instead of wielding a sword, Yael was now using brass knuckles.

There were no training dummies either... instead you could see a woman wearing a workers outfit, presumably she worked for the Lyle household.

You could see the woman's blood gushing out of the holes in her body made by Yael.

The innocent 3 year old trying to gain her father's approval was no more... what was left was a 4 year old girl who just unapologetically murdered a woman to impress her father.

"This was my 3rd person today! What's my prize daddy! Can we go play dolls together and have a tea party!"

"Hnnn I have something even better for my little princess, follow me..."

The father led the daugther deeper into the dungeon, and they stopped once they reached a little cell with small amounts of blood flowing out, even though Yael just killed a woman, she was still a four year old and hated the smell of blood. So she pinched her nose to stop herself from smelling it.

"Daddy I don't want this prize! I want to play with daddy as my prize! We can do so much fun stuff together lik-"

"Shhhh... you are scaring your prize, I assure you will like it"

After the father finished talking he nudged Yael into the cell

In the cell Yael saw a skinny woman holding on to something... and that something was moving

"Daddy I already killed three people today! Is my prize to kill another? I worked hard already, I want to play dolls with daddy! You promised!" Yael pouted

"Aish... It seems like your fighting abilities improved but not your IQ... Listen Yael, these aren't people for you to kill! These people will be your slaves!"

"Slaves?" Yael said as she tilted her head innocently

*sigh* "Uhm... They are people for you to play with... Yeah! My prize for you is people to play with you, so when daddy is busy you can play with them instead and think of daddy!"

"Really?! Daddy is so nice to give me people to play with!"

"Hahaha, now go and take a look at them, I'll be waiting in the estate"

The father said as Yael walked into the cell to meet her new "friends"
