Chp 66 : White Tiger Supremacy

[Who are his parents then?]

[Tex : I don't know, It was never mentioned in the original book. Mikhail himself dosen't know as well, neither did he care so he never searched for his parents]

"Doryu can you get me into the Curran family? And my mom a position in the royal knights?"

"Sure, it's not that hard for me" She said as she sat down on the rock "Is there any extra information I need to know? Like what's his relationship with you currently if you even have one? I need to know all the details to form a foolproof plan"

Siun went and sat down next to her whilst Fang went to clean up the chalk circle, they won't be needing anymore since they are leaving tomorrow night

"Well our relationship will turn sour soon, even though we've never met?"

"What do you mean?" Doryu looked at him with suspicion "Did your family commit tax evasion? I can lend you money, I'm rich"

"A-ah it's fine my family will be able to make money once my mom is in the royal knights... do you know about the arranged marriage between Gale and Yael Lyle?"

"Yes, but the question is how do you know that?" 

"I... my family got help from Ms. Yael and her companions to be able to travel here safely... but whilst doing that we got attacked by a demon disciple and, Ms. Yael was killed by them"

"Haha! Nice joke, you almost had me for a second!" Doryu stood up laughing whilst clenching her stomach

"'s true" Siun said as he tugged on her robe

"You can't be serious?" Doryu said as she yanked her robe from Siun's hand and sat back down on the rock staring at him

All he did was stare back at her and nod slowly

*sigh* "Alright! Tell me your skills and talents!" She said as she closed her eyes and crossed her arms

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"What you just confessed to me can cause your family to be executed! Of course I need to hear some of your redeeming qualities! They better be amazing for me to be able to get you into the Curran family!"

"Oh I see!" He replied giddily 

"Stop laughing! Your skills better be good or else you have to use your favor to stop you and your family from getting executed instead!"

"Uhm I'm 3 and a mix between Seux and Xinthri, so I can use both of their abilities to some extent and I'm chosen by the gods so I'm not able to use wind magic and fire magic"

"Ah this stupid chosen by the gods thing! It's taking away all the amazing qualities of your blood line! You could've usen BOTH fire and wind?! Now all you are able to be is a support role in a hunting group!" Doryu smacked the rock, causing it to crack


[Tex : Well she is the leader of the holy dragon saints, it's to be expected]

[Why didn't you transmigrate me into a body of a New Cerulean saint? Doryu said saints have a lot of influence and power!]

[Tex : Saints can't leave church until they are 20... the 3 holy dragon saints are an exception though. Also you should be grateful you were born in Xinthri! It's the most beginner friendly country! Compared to the others atleast, Khawlok is the poorest country due to the harsh cold and most of them work as mercenaries, Hmapa mostly produces workers, servants or in the worse cases slaves and Seux is the richest of them all but it also has the widest wealth gap, it's a city of extravagance with merchants everywhere in the streets and dancers, entertainers... and the royal family is an absolute mess there]

[Yea, Yael said something about endogamy? Explain]

[Tex : It's not really relevant right now so I will give you an extremely short summary... white tiger supremacy]

[Ok wow that was really short... whatever as you said it's not relevant at all!]

"Come here Siun" Doryu said as she patted her lap

"Can saints do this? I thought they were strict on rules about interacting with the opposite sex!" Siun said not wanting to accidentally corrupt a 3 year old saint

"Oh my god can you shut up? We are literally 3?" she said as she grabbed onto his neck and dragged it onto her lap, placing her palm on his face, covering his mouth as well

*muffled* "Wft ar yoo doingf?" Siun said, not fighting back at all because he was scared she might accidentally squash his face