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" The porridge is ready, have a taste and tell me how it it." I said to Minyoung," Here." I added as I fed him," How is it?" I asked as I observed his expressions," It's..." he said as he arroused my curiosity," It's really good, one night think that this isn't your first time." he complimented as I ate some as well," WOAH..., I can't wait for when granny tastes it." I said as I put it in a bowl....," I should get going now." I said as I turned to leave when Min Young grabbed my hand," There's no way we doing it again here." I said as he laughed," What do you mean? I just wanted to give you a good night hug." he said as I felt embarrassed by what I just said," Good night." I said as I ran out...

" Are you sure it isn't Minyoung who made this?" Yuri asked as she filled more in her bowl," Yah take it slow....Mina hasn't had any." I said," And yes it's Definetly me who made it." I said as I turned to granny who was enjoying it while smiling quietly at our conversations," Granny...how's it?" I asked," It's nice.....my granddaughter has magical hands." she said as I stood up and kissed her forehead," There's more where that came from." I said as I left for my room.



It didn't take long before the weekend arrived and we were all set to go for our camp,Granny Hyuna and Yuri used Min youngs truck while Ye Jun, Nana and I took Aaman's apparently rented range rover...I had spent the entire night making preparations barely got any sleep," Are you okay?" Aaman asked as I slid the car window open," Iam good....iam just a little sleepy." I said as I put my head outside the window," Yah! don't do that it's dangerous." he said as I looked at the back where Nana and Ye Jun were both busy scrolling through their phones," It's been a while since I went camping." I said," I always go camping with the guys back in the city..." Aaman replied," I didn't have time for that while I was in the main city...well I wanted to focus more on my books graduate from highschool and join a music college." I said," But things happened and my plans couldn't go as I wanted them too." I said as I suddenly felt sad from remembering our life after dad was arrested," But it's no use talking about that now, iam loving my life in Aayan...." I added as Aaman stretched out his hand to hold mine," I don't know what you went through before you came to Aayan but iam glad you talked it out with me also I'll always be available if you need to talk more." he said as I smiled at him.



It felt good seeing every one work together and have fun together in the process so my heart couldn't have felt more at peace..just sitting there and watching my grand daughters enjoy with their friends and boyfriends, what was even more exciting was how calm this place felt like," Granny.." Yuri called out as she came and sat next to me," Here." she said as she handed me the bottle of water I had sent her," How do you like this place?" she asked as I looked around," It's really nice." I replied," Aaman said...it has a nice starry sky at night, granny why do you live watching stars?" she asked," Firstly looking up and sighing helps me relieve all my daily stress and secondly how else would I be able to see your mom and grandpa if it weren't for the stars." I explained as she looked back at me," How can you tell that this star is grand pa and this is mom?" she asked," They both shine the brightest each night..." I replied as she turned to me and smile," You'll show them to me tonight....it's been a while since I last talked to both of them." she added as she stood up," I should go and help out other wise Hyuna will be on my neck." Yuri added as she turned to leave...." will I also turn into a bright star soon." I said as I shook the thought off and sipped on my bottle of water...

Every thing was ready by the night and there we all were sitted around a fire....we had eaten, played games and now we were all staring at each other wondering what to do next," Granny .." Hyuna called out," Tell us about you and grandpa." she said as the rest showed interest as well," I don't think we have ever asked...how you and grandpa met and how you two fell in love." Mina added as I felt both emotional and shy to go down that memory lane," Please granny." Yuri said as I sighed and thought back," Okay fine...I'll tell you." I said as they all kept quiet and stared at me...with full critical attention," Your grandpa was a cheerful person..we were both raised in Aayan and our parents were close friends so I could have meals at there place and he could have meals at ours, we were that close a things about falling in love with a close friend is that you never realise you have fallen, and you always try to draw a line because sincerely speaking that friendship can't be regained after a break up..." I said as they all continued listening," Your grandpa confessed to me on the night of the town festival, I was so nervous after he said he liked me that I ran off and couldn't talk to him for days..." I said as I chuckled and so did the rest," I was confused...but he kept coming home every day like he always did..." I said," After a few days of confusing my heart I finally gave in to him and we started dating.." I said," Woah granny that's one drama like love story right there." Yuri said," So how about marriage..? how did grand pa propose to you?" Hyuna asked with such excitement on her face," Wow you seem too interested in marriage.." Mina teased," I don't think he's proposal is something I can't forget because he proposed to me at the bus stop...while I was leaving for the main city." I said as they all laughed," Funny part is he didn't have a ring...but used the soda cans straw holder." I added as they all burst into laughter," it was both sweet and outrageous at the same time." I added as tears started rolling down my cheeks," Granny are you okay?" Hyuna asked," We shouldn't..." she added," It's nothing...talking about him makes me nostalgic it's absolutely normal." I explained," I'll go and have some rest...iam not as young as you any more." I said as Yuri helped me up," You guys can have fun." I added as I turned to leave.....



" I didn't lie...did I?" Aaman asked as he sat next to me," The sky looks so pretty and staring at it makes me both emotional and excited." I said as I sipped on my can of beer," Thank you for recommending this place...I could tell every one including granny was having alot of fun." I said as I raised my can," Cheers." I said as it met with his," It's no problem..and you did well with the planning." he said as I turned and stared at him," What's wrong?" he said," I want to kiss you." I said bluntly not sure if that confidence came from the beer or me," What?" he said as he chuckled," Why do we think so alike?" he added as he smiled and came closer," We were interrupted last time....." he said as I shut him up by putting my lips on his," Are you always this confident when you drink?" he asked as he put his hand on my neck and leaned in," I love you." he said as we both kissed...



" okay this is so uncomfortable." I said as I and Ye Jun watched Mina and Aaman kiss," Then why are we still here?" Ye Jun asked as we both laughed," Should we go at the back of the tent...also I stole some Soju." I said as I showed him the bottle," I stole some too, let's go." he replied as he showed me his bottle as well.

" Woah have you been practicing!" Ye Jun exclaimed at how fast and freely I was drinking," Iam I that good?" I replied as he turned and stared at me," By the way..thank you for telling me to talk things out with my brother." he said," Well we didn't completely become close but I got answers to me questions." he added," So for that thank you." he said as he raised his bottle," You don't have to thank me, we are friends." I said as he turned back to me and smiled.


