" This feels good." Min Young said as he hugged me from behind," What feels good, the weather...or the fact that we together?" I asked, yes it did doing cringe in my head," Both...this place, the weather and the fact that iam with you." he said as I smiled shyly," Speaking of this...I have something for you." he said as I looked at him curiously," Come on close your eyes." he said as I smiled in hesitation," Can I not close them..?" I asked as he glared at me," Fine..." I said as I slowly closed them," Give me your hand." he added as I became nervous," This better not be a ring." I said as he laughed," Well if it were then, wouldn't you take it?" he asked," Iam not saying I wouldn't iam just saying I wouldn't be ready..." I said as he laughed," Well it isn't a ring... atleast not yet." he said as I smiled," You can open your eyes now." he whispered as I opened them and saw a beautiful charm bracelet..." What do you think?" he asked," It's not a ring but..." he said as I slapped his shoulder," It's really beautiful....thank you." I said as he held my hand in his," Thank you for loving me and always being there when I need you..thank you for your patience." he said," I should thank you for your patience though..you waited 10 years for us to be together." I replied," Thank you for loving me Min young." I said as I leaned in and kissed him," Thank you for this beautiful gift too." I said as he leaned in and kissed me," Anything for you." he said in a low voice....." Hyuna!!" Yuri called out as we turned to go and join the rest.
" We all gathered here, to have fun eat drink play as if it were our last...so I won't waste our time with speeches..let's just dig it." Mina announced as we all lifted our glasses," To a long life of happiness an ever lasting friendship and family." she said as we all shouted" CHEERS!!!"," Come on eat." Mina added as we started eating.." This is delicious." Aaman said as we all laughed," Like you would have said the opposite when it's your girlfriend that cooked." Nana said as we all burst into laughter..it just felt good seeing every one tease each other and have fun...this is exactly how it should be..." Come on now eat.." Mina said again.
" This was one of the best days of my life." I said as we entered the house," Though iam really tired right now." I added," I'll go and take a shower.." I said again as Yuri just kept nodding her head and not replying anything.
After the shower,I sat by our desk and continued writing,I just had to do it in my room today so that Hyuna wouldn't find me and ask questions..it had to be a suprise for her and Yuri so I wasn't ready for it to be ruined.
The next days were about preparing our selves for college, while Yuri used those days to look for an employee...Nana left with Minyoung earlier that week and me and Yuri were also leaving via the weekend, we used that time together to do all sorts of things like having sleep overs, watching movies, painting each other's nails and just sitting together under the starry night.
When the day reached that Yuri and Hyuna had to leave for the University I felt like a mom sending off her kids to a place where she knows she was going to be far away and wouldn't offer any help if need arose, though I had to hold it in seeing that they were also scared and pretty much nervous," Yuri have you packed everything you need, do you have your application letter,did you take thick clothes for when it gets really cold, remember to take cold medicine and don't wait for it to get worse." I said with teary eyes as I pulled her for a hug," You study hard and make a wonderful police officer." I added as I kissed her forehead,and you Mina," Did you pack everything, stay away from trouble, make sure to inform me incase of anything, now this rule applies to both of you..YOU MUST CALL ME IN CASE OF ANY PROBLEM."I said as I pulled her in for a hug as well," You should take good care of your self too." Yuri said as we three hugged," You should get going now." I said as I helped them get into the taxi," Bye.." I said as the cars left..like I said I felt line a mom sending off her kids so yes I couldn't control the tears from falling out of my eyes..but it all got worse when I went back into the house and realised how empty it had become without them.
As I went through the things in my room for Absolutely no reason, I found something out on my desk, it looked like a letter so I curiously opened it and when I sat on my bed...it seemed like it was addressed to me from Mina.
Dear Hyuna ( Unnie)
I realised after reading dad's letters that a hand written and heart felt letter was far more heart warming and sincere than an email or an SMS or a text so I decided to give it a try...I have alot to thank you for like how you were. strong for all of us and how you took care of me both as a mom and later as a dad..Hyuna I want all the best for you and I'll study hard to become an amazing musician so that I could get you a VVIP seat to every concert of mine..I love you Hyuna..thank you for being the best Big sister.
Love Mina
The letter moved me to tears, and I couldn't help read it for a few more minutes.....
Mina and I went our separate ways after we arrived in the city,she and I both cried alot as we went our own ways,I couldn't help wonder if she is doing alright right now...as I unpacked my belongings after being showed to my dorm room at the police academy..I found something hidden in my suitcase.." A Letter?" I asked my self as I opened it to read.
Dear Yuri,
How's my stubborn and crack head of a sister,I don't know where to start from but I'd like to say you were a bright light in our house from the day you were born and bought over at home, I should have been really upset and yes I could have had ideas of mailing you to Japan because you had stolen my position as rhe youngest at home, but I swear after seeing how your little hands held onto my finger, I couldn't do it anymore..and that smile you had over your face that showed you dimples...warmed my heart even more..what I mean by all of this is..you are a wonderful gift that came in our lives and I love you so much..
love Mina.
" Ahhhhhhhhhh Mina ahhh." I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes," Are you okay?" asked my room mate," Iam okay...I said as I turned to keep the letter away," You should unpack quickly..we have an assembly in a few minutes." she added as I agreed and kept my letter away.
I had arrived and already settled in at the the music school, so far everything was okay I had amazing room mate and was just scrolling through my class schedule when I got a video call from both Hyuna and Yuri..." Hello..you must have my gifts as we speak." I said as they both started shedding tears," What's wrong?" I asked as I noticed my roommate stare at me so I moved outside," How could you do such a thing?" Hyuna asked," What did I do?" I asked," Your letter....was beautifully written, I couldn't stop crying after reading it," Hyuna" Me too." Yuri said," Iam sorry if i made you cry, I just wanted to do some thing heartwarming for the both of you." I said," And you did...thank you so much Mina." Hyuna said as Yuri followed," We love you." they both said as I hung up...and wiped the tears from my own eyes," Why iam I even crying." I said as I walked back into my dorm room.
A few months back, we were just people trying to to find out selves our goals on top of juggling running away from the identity our dad had created for us, after coming to Aayan, we met friends, lovers rose up to the challenges and created new memories..we suffered losses but came back up, we developed and were nolonger young any more...we learnt how to love and how to be loved, how to give and how to be given...and we believe we still have a bright future ahead of us....our story isn't just ending here but ITS ONLY THE BEGINNING..of new opportunities new dreams new journeys but as sisters we will always be together to support each other along with our lovers and friends...we got a chance to RE-START our lives and we were going to use it deligently.
Thank you for reading RE START and for going through this heart warming story with me, I hope it has been entertaining and has changed your life for the better.
You may also check out my other book TALK TO ME