
Gandalf took all his time sharing the story between Marvel's father and Lucas and he made sure no details were left out, maybe not all details

"This iron door is impossible to break from the inside, it is well fabricated, and not even an axe can pull it down we would just have to wait, I'm sure our men will be looking for us right now. And if anyone comes through this door, we have to fight our way out of here, I think I still know my way around here"

Gandalf apologized to Marvel for not being able to protect her from Lucas's men on time

"It's not your fault, I think we were betrayed, how would they have located our hideout?"

"You seem to forget that Lucas is not a stranger, he knows everything you know, and that is why it will be difficult to defeat him, he knows exactly how we operate, I don't think we were betrayed by our men, you saw them giving their lives for you"

"Hmm, I will avenge their death," Marvel said in a wobbly tone

"You can't do that sitting inside here, we have to look for a way out first then we can come up with a strategy on how to stop him"

"You are yet to tell me what happened between Lucas and my mother?"

"I'm sorry, but I think we should get out of here first, the smell of these dead fishes in here is becoming frustrating and my stomach is uncomfortable"

The two hitmen decided to try and take down the door, but slamming their bodies to the door is not making any effect on the door but instead caused them more fractions to their bodies, they were later advised to stop trying and save their energy for a fight


After the police authorities came to investigate and also remove the casualties, the maids tried their best in putting the castle back in shape, and more enforcement was deployed to protect the building, property, and lives in it.

A part of the building which was on fire has been put off by the fire service and reconstruction has started taking place.

Thomas after giving some information to the police spent the entire time searching for the red diamond, he searched from room to room but could not get access to all the rooms, some of the rooms were out of reach from staff

He called for the help of the castle manager to assist him in gaining access to the rooms but there was nothing he could do, he too has restrictions from those rooms

Thomas was filled with frustration because he was running out of time, being the one in charge he thought of calling for assistance from another cartel that still pays homage to the McQueen

All his efforts went to waste and then he decided to involve the police even after the refusal of the castle manager, after putting a call to the police head office, they sent a special squad who are in charge of such a case

In less than an hour, the police arrived and were given free passage as ordered by Thomas

"Hello officer" Thomas greeted with a handshake and introduces himself to the officer in charge who is wearing a white sleeve shirt

"Hello, I am Woodley an FBI agent and these are my colleagues, first I would like you to give me every detail I will be needing to solve this case, and I would advise we work together to get a better result"

"That will be great, let's go inside for more information" Thomas leads the way as the FBI agent went behind him

Mr. Gorge was not pleased with the invite of external help like the police, he has been working here for a long time and has not seen the McQueen welcoming a police officer into this castle, he tries to keep his cool and decided to hide some of the keys in his possession when asked by Thomas, he denies having the keys

"Please officer make yourself comfortable, as I was saying, they requested for jewelry and I am given 48hrs to get it for them," Thomas said as he peeks at his wristwatch

"Do you think the jewelry is inside this Castle?" Woodley ask but he was disappointed by the answer he got

"You don't need to find the jewelry to save My boss's daughter, I have never seen jewelry in her closet as described," Mr. Gorge said taking a step closer to the discussion table

"Mmmm interesting, can we see the closet you are talking about, if you want her to come back alive then we have to work together and do as I say, I have more experience in such cases and I want to help you," Woodley said in a convincing tone

But Mr. Gorge is not ready to give in so easily "its past visiting time, I think we should call it a day, you can come back in the morning and we continue from there, this castle and its occupant need to rest from a long tragic day"

"Well then, I would take my leave but if anything goes wrong, you will be under arrest for your..."

"No officer, Gorge! I'm the one in charge here and I give the final order" Thomas said in a strident tone

"I'm in charge of the well-being and management of this Castle and everything inside it, including you, and I have the right to reschedule meeting appointments in the absence of the McQueen and I only take direct orders only from those who are tagged superior to me and you are not one of them"

Standing face with Thomas, Mr. Gorge stood his ground but he could not match up with Thomas who now has the backing of the FBI "You are under arrest, Mr. Gorge for trying to disrupt and stop an ongoing investigation" Cuff him was Woodley's last words

Gorge was forcefully dragged out of the hall with his hands cuffed behind him "You will regret this Thomas I promise you" he kept on swearing but Thomas did not pay attention to him, all he wants is the safe return of his late boss daughter Marvel and that is all that matters at this point