Calamities, part-1

[The name Blue Anarchy was already all over the news. His name would be mentioned at least once on every new channel. Tareq Mirza also noticed that.]

:(Hasan) Sir, you made this man famous.

:(Suvro) Do you think that's what he wanted all along? You become famous?

:(Tareq) No. It is part of my plan.

: Plan?

: As I said, Blue Anarchy is killing a specific group. At the end of the day, if we find out about this group, we can find Anarchy. It is already working.

:(Hasan) How, sir?

: You remember Ayash Khan's mother? She called me yesterday. She pressured me to catch Blue Anarchy as soon as possible. She also tried to bribe me. It almost made me laugh.

:(Suvro) Do you think she is also involved with the group?

: Who knows? We have to find out ourselves. We...