Mr Umar sewing his costume making some changes, thread on the table and pin in his hand:
Mr Umar biting the thread off felt a cold breeze very powerful move his long hair, it was Samos who appeared in front of him, his mentor and master.
Samos holding the stick to the ground, blue long coat, wearing as always with the turban blue. Mr Umar still the thread in his mouth, finally cuts it off my teeth.
"Master? What are"
"How? Is that what you want to know or why? Do you have any idea what you have done."
Mr Umar looking at his costume putting them on the table looking to his right through the ceiling window as it was morning time, was sitting a bird on the window.
Samos taps his stick on the ground and the window shuts down making the bird go like a ball was hit with full power by a player, some feathers flew.
Samos just by looking at the pin and it moves like a arrow towards Umar and stops right an inch aways from his eye as he was sitting on the crouch.
"Look! At me....when you are talking to you car for a bird but not for the people you killed or the planet you destroyed."
Taps his stick again as his own long curtained hairs fly up and down and his eyes glow, even the house goes up and then down at the same time.
Mr Umar making his position subtle looks at the pin still pointing it's sharp end to his eye, tries to move but the pin follows his eye.
"I just did what was necessary, the planet was gonna destroy anyway and the men were gonna attack the women and torture her till death."
Samos laughs in frustration putting his hand on his face as the pin now comes down on the table.
"Can't believe you are so angry because of those mother...."
"You think I am angry because of them....Huh! Why don't you just turn on the T.V...."
"What for?!"
"Oh! won't regret."
Mr Umar looking at Samos like you are ridiculous but says nothing turning on the T.V while sitting with bullet hole cloths on.
"So! You're name is Rockylad."
Asks Jack Brown and replies a man with long mustache and black hairs, decent hair style, with blue shirt with yellow buttons and red gloves and shoes.
"Yes! Indeed it is, I am here to tell you that I am your saviour and whom you have given the name Mr Umar is a big....beep!."
"What? You are
"Oh! Come-on sir! That's not a right way to deal with your opponents, specially when you are on T.V."
"What? What are you talking about.....he is just a sucker and I believe such a brutal man should not be allowed to live in England....send him back to Pakistan, from where he belongs, I am the real hero of the UK."
" that is racist!"
"What the hell is that?"
Samos taps on the upper end of his stick, which was quite like a ball. It worked like a projector with blue light.
"See that? That is the planet you destroyed and look everyone is normal, planet is also safe. Look! Right there, how the genes are regenerating, isn't it beautiful."
"That idiot said, it would happen, but I didn't let the government system re-establish."
"What do you know? The government system is re-established, whether you believe or not! Your destroying the planet did absolutely nothing, except for they are very peaceful now, and the violence....they will spread here....what you did to they will take their revenge but not the old fashioned way, they sent this Rockylad here to face you and then destroy you by doing some logical propagandas against you and you kill this guy, they'll be sending one after an other...."
"He can't be stronger than me...."
"Well, however, what were you doing?"
"Making some changes in my suit, so that it looks know?"
"Sewing you're country's flag, like you are giving them even more chances to make a propaganda against did you get this....I mean who inspired you, the Homelander?"
"I am nothing like that idiot!"
"We'll don't be so sure about that and remember, change you're way or I'll no longer be there to save you."
"After my wife's death, the kid Joylin....his death....and then after my death, there's nothing left to save....Allah Hafiz."
"Wish God protect you."
Mr Umar puts his costume on table about to go on sleep but a bad falls off with a note, having a look at it.
"At-least don't loose your dignity."
Opens the bag and Muslim wear, new 10 suits. Looks and smiles, closes the bag and sits back on the crouch closing his eyes.