On The Mend

She’s fully clothed this time, but somehow Kei feels as though she’s gazing at something far more scandalous than before, and she can’t help but blush so hard that her face grows warm. She pivots her head sideways to hide her face so Nadia can’t see. Thankfully, it seems Nadia’s thoughts are preoccupied elsewhere, likely her thoughts on how to greet her father this time.

Wanting to help calm her mind and compliment her, she says, “I think...you look great, Nadia.” She’s sure steam must be shooting out her ears, but Nadia doesn’t seem fazed, replying calmly.

“Thanks Keiko.” She smiles in a cool and collected manner, giving nothing of her feelings away.

To Kei, she looks like a dashing English Gentleman as far as she can remember them to look, but also far too beautiful to compare. It’s a look that she can only pull off so well because she’s a woman and has the feminine aura to make her appear much more alluring than any man could.

She feels at a loss for words, so she simply nods and clings to her more closely. Nadia leads her down a few different corridors until they finally reach their destination; a medium-sized room with a few bookshelves and various seating. Despite having lived on the premises for so long, there are still rooms she has yet to see, and this is one of them. It has a simple beauty.

Waiting for them in the center of the room, in an armchair, is a suited man with scarlet, wavy locks and silver eyes. He looks like a noble lord of an estate right out of a British aristocrat film but set in the backdrop of Transylvania. He’s tan, similar to Nadia, but not as dark, and he has a very welcoming aura about him, while Nadia appears more intimidating to those who don’t know her well. He approaches them with a huge smile, and open arms to welcome them.

“Nadia! Oh, you look so wonderful! Have you grown taller again?” He walks over and hugs her warmly. “I remember when you just barely reach my waist, now here you are, at my shoulders.”

She looks uncomfortable but doesn’t pull away. “Katia says I’ve grown an inch in the last few months. That’s nothing major though. It probably just seems jarring since you’ve been absent.”

“Indeed. She was telling me all about it and how you’ve grown into your figure as well. I fear I’m soon going to have to accept that you’ll garner all the attention of men…or perhaps ladies.”

She sends Katia a disgruntled glare, who returns a teasing smile. “What else has Katia told you?”

“That’s all for personal things, but she also mentioned that Josef gave you the good news?”

“Yes, he informed me just earlier today. I suppose I have you to thank for that as well?”

“Well, I may have pushed him slightly, but I assure you the final decision was all his. I’m pleased with his decision and thrilled my daughter will return to the city. We can now catch up.”

“We could’ve caught up much sooner if you’d came to see me more often though? Whose fault is it really, Albert?” Her tone is accusatory, and it didn’t go unnoticed by anyone in the room.

“Yes...I suppose that’s true.” The atmosphere suddenly takes a dive and things become awkward.

Realizing that she’s turned the mood and recalling Katia’s words from earlier, Nadia attempts to recover the situation. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to blame you. It hurt me when you left me here alone, and I resented you for not coming to see me as often as you promised you would. I’m still angry about it to be honest, but all this bitterness really is causing me unnecessary stress and turning me into someone I don’t want to be. So, I want you to understand that I don’t forgive you, I won’t for a long time. However, I’m willing to move forward and if this is our chance to do that, then I’ll open the door. But if you disappoint me again, then we’ll be done for good.”

He looks at her with a subtle admiration and it’s easy to tell he’s proud of the woman she’s become. “That’s all I may ask you for, Nadia. Thank you. I know I can’t erase the past or redeem myself for my mistakes, but I will do anything in my power to make you happy and foster a successful future for you.” They share a hug once again, and the tension slowly dissipates.

Katia smiles to herself on the other side of the room, and Kei smiles with genuine happiness for Nadia, though at the pit of her stomach, a bitter ache rises slightly, as she recalls such tender moments with her own father, which she can never have again. However, these newfound bitter feelings depart when the man approaches her with a warm smile.

“You must be Kei. I’ve heard much about you. I’m happy I’m able to see you in person. I’ve been wanting to thank you for everything you’ve done for Nadia over the years. Would you care to join us for a chat?” He’s very charming and she can see why he’s such a high-ranking official.

“Yes, I’d be delighted to Sir. I hope I won’t be intruding.” She speaks with unusual formality.

“Oh please, call me Albert. As far as I’m concerned, as Nadia’s dearest friend, we’re family.” She nods and they share a pleasant smile. “Now, please join us.” He escorts her to a seat beside Nadia. Kei smiles happily. Albert’s last words about being family echo pleasantly in her head.

“So, I’ve heard that you’ve done excellent on your exams, acing each one. Not that I’d have expected anything less, but it still makes me proud to hear it. I hope you’re proud of yourself.”

“Well, I don’t have much else to do when everyone stays away from me. Other than spending time with Kei, I can only do things on my own. So, studying is an easy habit to take up, I guess.”

“I can understand that, but surely you have other hobbies? Singing, arts, needlework, perhaps?”

“Not particularly. None of those things have resonated with me, even if I’m ok at them.”

“Nadia is an excellent singer!” Kei interjects with an excited tone. “She sings like an angel.”

“Kei…no need to exaggerate. I’m really not that great. Only you think so.” She hides a blush.

“No way, I mean it. She doesn’t have confidence in her abilities, but I do. She’s awesome.”

“Oh, so she’s improved since then? I’m glad to hear that. She could always carry a tune, but I wasn’t sure if she’d grow into it. Seems she has. Though she was three last I heard her.”

“I can vouch for Kei’s claims. Nadia can sing quite well, but she’s even more skilled with her hands. She helped repair the barn last year and built a new Pulpit for Josef. She’s skilled at needlework and crafts as well. All that remains is strengthening her culinary skills. Once we’ve done that, she’ll be ready to be a wife, or rather take one, I should say. Isn’t that wonderful?”

While Katia had asked the question openly, she seems to look directly at Kei, who looks away.

“Excellent! It seems you’ve become well rounded, Nadia. I really am so happy to hear this.”

Nadia keeps a neutral expression overall, but even she feels somewhat flustered. “Come on guys, stop exaggerating. I’m really not that amazing. I just do what I want when I feel like it. I’m not going to be taking any wives anytime soon. I want to focus on my education first. Okay?”

“Yes of course, that’s quite right. You should, and we will support you.” Al encourages her.

They naturally drift into talking about various topics, but Kei becomes distracted by Katia’s suggestion. It may not have been meant for her, or said in jest, but Kei can’t help but dream.