Conversations at Dawn (1)

Kei wakes up and slowly opens her eyes to find she’s in her bed. She’s tucked in snuggly under the covers and the shades are drawn, allowing only a tiny glimpse of the rising sun. Dawn is approaching, which means Nadia should prepare to go to bed, as would she. However, it seems she’s gotten a head start.

“Keiko!” She hears the alarmed voice of Nadia, who sits in the chair beside her bed. “Thank god you’re ok! You suddenly passed out while looking so distraught. I was terrified you were critically ill. I almost called an ambulance to bring you to the hospital, but Katia told me not to be so rash and just put you in bed. She said you probably just passed out from a shock and would be fine soon enough.” She sighs with relief. “Guess she was right, as always.”