On Their Own (1)

“So... there’s been a sudden change.” Nadia says this once she returns to Kei’s side. “I honestly can’t believe it, but it looks like Lowell reconsidered after my father nudged him a bit. I'm really registered for the medical track. It wasn’t a mistake.”

Kei smiles and joyfully says, “Congrats! I know how much you wanted to study medicine, so I’m so happy for you! Your dream is that much closer now.”

“Yeah, it is, and I’m happy but....” She looks at Kei sadly as she trails off her words.

“What? Don’t tell me you’re worried about me?” With the way Nadia shifts her body, she can see that’s exactly what the problem is. “Nadia, I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl. Despite how I may have acted all these years, I had to make it on my own for a while and I managed. I don’t want to hold you back.”