Real Talk (1)

N: Hey, want to get lunch together?

K: um actually, I’m having lunch with a classmate. Is that okay?

N: =O... For real?

K: Yes lol. Is it that hard to believe? Would you prefer I didn’t?

N: It’s not that, I just...nevermind. You should go. It’s not like I have the right to say you can’t.

K: You sure? I don’t know if I feel convinced.

N: Would you cancel if I asked you to?

K: Yes, of course.

N: *sigh* Please go, don’t worry about what I want. Do what you want. I’m not your master.

K: Hm…hard to tell if you’re genuinely encouraging me to go or being sarcastic. Are you sure?

N: It doesn’t matter! Think for yourself Kei! Can’t you do that much?


Nadia stares at her phone, her face twisted into an expression of frustration and despair. 'I’m such an idiot'. She scolds herself, as she continues to be left on read, as she has been for thirty minutes.