Courage (1)

Nadia turns up the tv as loud as she can without it being a noise violation, but it’s still not enough to completely block out the noise. “Good grief....” She feels the vibration of her phone against her thigh. Looking at the caller ID, she sighs. “Well, I can’t ignore her forever.” She accepts the call.

“How dare you ignore my calls Nadialena Kristine Frank!”

“Full name? Ouch. I guess you’re really mad then?”

“Let me put it this way. You’d better be glad you’re over two hours away and its nearly dawn, or I’d come there and show you exactly how I feel.”

Nadia gets a shiver down her spine. She doesn’t see it often, but when Katia gets legitimately mad, it’s definitely unwise to test her. “I’m sorry, okay? I was just in an awful place for a while.”

“That was more of a reason to talk to me!” Her voice is harsh, but there’s worry behind it as well. “I thought if there was anyone you could talk to it’d be me. Was I wrong?”