Kei follows the mysterious stranger to a building that appears to be the furthest on the campus grounds, and the oldest, judging by its decaying infrastructure. It’s small, bearing a resemblance to the maids’ quarters back at her father’s estate.
They open the wooden door with a creak and gesture inside. “After you princess.”
“I’m not your princess,” Kei replies, annoyed.
“Mhmm, not yet.” They tease.
“Not ever.” She replies.
They laugh. “You are indeed feisty. I don’t dislike it though.” They wait patiently.
Once she’s inside, they shut the door behind them. They enter into a colonial style interior, and Kei feels as though she’s stepped through a portal back a few centuries.
“Please, have a seat.” They gesture to a seat just outside a small kitchen.
She accepts their offer and sits in a wooden chair near the nook area. “This is...quaint.” She doesn’t intend to be rude, but she can’t think of another way to describe it.