Suspect (3)

Keiko stares at Jack in silence, seeming to hesitate in giving him an answer. “It’s a simple question, is it not Kei?” Erwin addresses her directly. “Not often do we find humans lounging around so casually in the apartment of a vampire at this time of evening. Do you live here?”

“So what if I do? That’s not a crime, is it? Perhaps Nadia simply needed a roommate for rent?”

“That in of itself isn’t, no. But surely you know the strict laws regarding intimate relations between humans and vampires, do you not? If it’s simply a matter of financial burdens, there’s no problem at all. But if there were any evidence of romantic or sexual relations, that’d be one.”

“Oh please. Do you think I’d have answered the door so comfortably had it been that kind of case? Nadia is simply my dear friend and we’re attending university together. Sure, it might be a bit unusual, but I assure you that’s all it is. Nadia would never think of being intimate with me.”