Remembering (1)

“Your…master? You mean the one who bought you?” He nods in confirmation. She frowns and shakes her head defiantly. “No way. Why would I want to meet anyone that buys and trades children like livestock? They must be a pretty demented individual to willingly purchase a kid like merchandise. You don’t speak as if you resent them though. Doesn’t it bother you at all?”

Elliot smiles, as though he’s recalling a joke only meaningful to himself. However, he soon glances at her seriously, intending to answer her the same. “To be honest, I was happy to be out of my situation more than anything else. I loved Elie dearly; I still do and always will. However, they couldn’t protect us, not even themself. Elnora and I both suffered at the hands of that man for nearly a year before Elie found a way to free us, but I would say he especially targeted me.”

“Why? I mean, what he was doing to all of you was terrible, but what made him target you?”