Ashes That Remain (1)

~2 Months Earlier~

Keiko enters an abandoned stronghold far out in the outskirts of the city. The sun is high in the sky and bright, signifying that it’s early morning. Usually Keiko would still be in the embrace of Nadia’s arms at this time, but today was an exception. For today, she’s meeting an old ghost.

“Ok, I’m here!” She shouts loudly, her voice echoing around the empty warehouse. “I’m alone!” She waits and listens quietly for any sounds or movement, but everything is silent. “Hey! I gave up quality time with my beloved for this meeting! If you’re not coming out, I’m going home!” When she still gets no answer, she turns back and prepares to leave just the way she came.

“When did your voice develop so, for you to speak in such a loud tone? It’s unrecognizable.”