Passion and Lies (2)

“So…where are we going?” Keiko asks this in high spirits, feeling amazing after their passionate display of love just hours ago. “You said this is part 2 of your surprise, but will it beat part 1?”

Nadia smiles happily, also feeling the effects, and squeezes Keiko’s hand, which rests in hers. “No, I doubt it’ll beat part 1, so please lower your expectations. However, I do think you’ll enjoy this surprise.” She looks at her watch. “We should arrive half past the hour, so just relax, ok?”

Keiko nods. “Ok.” They fall into a natural silence, both watching the world pass by outside, as the train they’re on speeds along. “Why’d we take the Metro though? Isn’t a lift much faster?”

“Sure, it’d be easy to just hop in a taxi and go, but where’s the fun in that? I thought that by going in this way, we could take in the world. It’s a nice night, the lights are glimmering, and the weather is warm for early March. It seemed like it was the perfect night to be out and about.”