Unexpected Guests (1)

Nadia can hardly believe her eyes. “Katia?” She stares at the lightly tanned woman and deep into her periwinkle eyes. “Katia!” She knew who she was from the moment she spoke, but she still can’t help but embrace her fondly, and Katia is ready and willing to accept her in an embrace.

“Oh, my sweet girl. You’re just the same as always. Distant and aloof, yet kind and charming to most. However, with me, you’re as docile and affectionate as a puppy. How I’ve missed this.”

“Me too!” Nadia is more excited in this moment than she’s openly expressed in weeks other than her special moments with Keiko. “I’ve missed you so much Katia. I can’t even say how deeply.”

“Aww, well I’ve missed you too sweet pea, but you could’ve fooled me. You never call now.”

“I know…I’m sorry Katia, that’s all on me. I’ve been, well, I don’t know to be honest. I’ve been kind of off for a while and I’m only just now coming back to my senses. Will you forgive me?”