Subdued Anger (1)

The two lie silently side by side, only holding hands, but saying no words in response to the new revelations they just had between them. As promised, Keiko laid her soul bare to Nadia, sparing not a single detail of her time living in her father’s household through the current events. There’s much for them to further unpack, but ever since the words were spoken, Nadia’s been unable to get a single event out of her head. It’s been simmering slowly beneath her core, ready to explode.

“Your sister, Charlotte…is she still alive? Do you know if she still lives in London and where?” Keiko feels Nadia’s grip around her hand tighten instinctively. She probably doesn’t realize it.

“Why would you care about a thing like that Nadia? She’s a part of my past, nothing more, ok?”

“How could I not care Keiko? Your sister raped you, multiple times, over the course of a year.”