

Someone suddenly pulled my hands and took me away from the library.

I forcefully yanked my hands off the hands.

Who on earth are you? I asked

"It's me." Grace said, looking at me anxiously.

"What is the problem, are you okay?" I asked out of concern

"Sure, I am. It's I who should be asking that question in fact that's why I am here." She said hurriedly.

What? I asked, with a visibly lost look on my face.

I went to the school cafe to update my blog when I saw the whole news. Did you go head-on with Flo? She asked with unconcealed excitement.

"Who is Flo?" I asked as my lip twitched.

"Flo, I mean Flo, Hayden Florian, the girl you beat during your self-defense class." she said hurriedly with a gossip-yearning look In her eyes.

"First, I didn't beat her. It was a mutual loss. Second and most Importantly I did not go head-on with her." I said slowly, still trying to process what was going on.

"A mutual loss?" That's not what Andy's blog said though.

"What exactly is the deal with all these questions and why am I on Andy's blog?" I asked.

"It's a big dealll." she squeaked with excitement. "You, my friend, are trending." she continued.

"Florian is well known for challenging and defeating every female newcomer in defense class. She remained the unbeatable female Alpha till today. How is that not a big deal???" She asked with one of her brows raised as she stared at me seeking an answer.

"Oh, that's a big deal, I've gotten myself into a mess and it's barely three weeks since I've been here." I replied dryly.

"What? I'd be happy to be in your shoes for a day, you've broken a record, you should be happy." she said giggling.

"Now all you need to do is tell me what happened in detail, don't miss a thing. I love to give my subscribers detailed information." She said sternly, gripping her jotter and pen tightly as she pulled me in the direction of our room.

**l **l **l **l **l **l **l **l **l **l **l


I'm having a quite speedy recovery, the aches in my body are beginning to relieve me.

Honestly, the first few days here with my mom were kinda awkward, getting used to a new environment and all.

Perhaps because I felt she was trying so much I finally felt at ease and comfortable with her.

Darn, it felt so good to keep my guard down.

Believe me when I say I have been having the best time of my life.

My mum gave me a grand tour of the city. We went to the amusement park, an arcade, the museum, a bookstore, and the mall. We took pictures and had fun. These are all memories I want to keep forever.

I do feel a little guilty that my sister is not here too. I look forward to meeting her next year.

We talked about ourselves. I mean the whole family. I can't meet my sister yet but I can meet my father.

The family will be scattered for a while as I'll be going to a different school from my sister, and my dad is on a business trip and won't be back anytime soon. My mom also has her own business to attend to.

Yeah, packing all things that should be packed as we are traveling out of the country in a few days. I've never been more relieved.

California here I come.

**l **l **l **l **l **l **l **l **l

Grey High School


**l **l **l **l **l **l **l **l

Grace has been all over Raven these days, extracting every piece of information and asking questions, both relevant and irrelevant.


These few days haven't been easy for me. So many people popping around, asking questions and all. People I don't even know want to be friends with me, gifts on my desk, and all sorts of letters.

Honestly, it's a little overwhelming.

I met Florian at dinner last night, she squinted and gave me a smile that made me feel uneasy. Creepy, isn't it?

I spend most of my after-school time at the library and come back as late as I can to my room.

Bianca has been acting like a cat for a while, having her moments to herself, whatever she was thinking, spacing out really quickly doesn't seem healthy to me. I hope she's okay cos for real depression is real.

She gets irritated easily these days too, everyone has been acting carefully because having a tantrum displayed in the room over petty things is quite distasteful. I know what I'm thinking about. After seeing her and Tia having a heavy banter, uhhh, I don't think I want to be involved in one. Haha ( a dry laugh) I'll pass.

Today is an unusually long day, a little boring too. It was break time and everyone has gone to lunch but I still have a book to finish reading, just five minutes more and I'll go.

"Thud" a sound pulled me out of my little world. "Why didn't you go to the cafeteria." My desk partner asked with his eyebrow raised.

"I wanted to finish this chapter." I said slowly, answering to meet his eyes.

Darn, why is he this close to my face? He has blue eyes!! It reminds me of the main character of the book I was reading, "Malcolm". Why didn't I notice before? Looking at him up close, I don't think Bianca's judgment of him is wrong. Considering his somewhat trimmed-looking thick eyebrows, his lazy cat eye, and straight lashes to his smalll nose and plump lower lip.

I got pulled out of my reverie when his lips moved.

What did you say? I asked, darting my eyes away from his lips.

"What were you thinking about? you looked lost for a moment. I said you should have this since the break will soon be over." he coolly said, lazily walking back to his side of the desk.

"Oh, thank you." I said.

"Wait, isn't this yours? aren't you going to eat?" I asked, pushing the takeout toward his side of the desk.

"I don't have an appetite at the moment. If you don't want it you can bin it." He said, picking out a notebook from his bag.

"Oh, thank you, I'll take it." I replied pulling the takeout back.

People were beginning to return to class so I dug into the food and enjoyed it.

It tastes even better than the cafeteria food.

Nothing less should be expected from Adrian Addams, isn't it?

The next class started and I paid rapt attention to the teacher. She is my favorite teacher, there is just something I liked about her voice.

Shish, what's wrong with me today?

I gathered my thoughts and continued listening to her.

The learning hours were finally over after taking forever.

I bid Adrian and the few friends I had made goodbye and left the class.

Of course, I'm going to the library to borrow a book.

I'm going to read in my favorite spot today. Under the oak tree.


I'm currently on the airplane sitting beside my mom. I am going to miss her.

We are on the same plane but we have different destinations.

She said she needed to be somewhere and that she would be back in a few months. My well-being and all would be taken care of by a supposed butler that will pick me up at the airport.

I am a little nervous about the new environment, new people, and new school.

I really hope to be fine.