
A Friday (ii)

Grey High School,




"I want that too," I said pointing at a juice box.

"All on my tab, please," Jack said, as he extended his card to the lunch aide.

"Thank you, Jack; I'll make sure to enjoy the food," Courtney said with a big smile and left.

"Thank you," I also said with a smile.

"You're welcome, gotta go, I'd see you around," he said with a grin.

I hummed an unfamiliar melody as I approached the table where Tia sat.

"Hiii," I greeted, my voice filled with fatigue.

"Um, are you alright?" She inquired with a worried expression.

"Yeah, just finished running several laps around the field," I replied, absentmindedly picking at my food.

"What trouble did you get into this time?" She asked as she began to eat her own meal.

"I might have punched Florian's face," I admitted, pursing my lips.

"Oh, you definitely did. Are you certain you only just met Florian here at Grey High?" She chuckled with amusement.

"I know, right? But the chances of us crossing paths are practically zero," I responded, rubbing my sore nose.

"Even so, the punch was worth the run," I mused, mentally giving myself a high five.

"It was? Ookay, spill the beans. I want to hear the entire story," she said with a playful giggle.

"I'll gladly tell, hold up, where's Grace? I don't see her anywhere," I inquired, scanning the cafeteria.

"Oh, she won't be here. She's off on a hunt to find some writing stuff that could be useful tonight... something along those lines," she replied.

"Yeah, speaking of tonight, what if we end up getting caught? I'm starting to feel a bit anxious," I asked, feeling a sudden wave of nervousness.

"Come on, do you really think the school has zero clue about what's going on? Don't stress it," she giggled, opening her sauce packet.

"Uhhh, what do you mean by that?" I asked, feeling a little lost.

"You see, this is a mafia school, and any piece of information known to four to five students has somehow ended up gotten to the school management, the trick is to avoid getting caught and not cause any trouble, or else you're in for some serious punishments," Tia whispered, sounding all mysterious.

Are you really sure about this?" I asked, my mind filled with doubt and uncertainty.

"Absolutely! And come on, it's a party where one of the Addams is going to be! You really think it won't be safe?" Tia replied, raising an eyebrow to challenge my skepticism.

"Well, maybe I could just skip this one and wait for the next party or something. I'm not so sure about this whole risky business," I said, feeling a bit embarrassed for chickening out after being all pumped up earlier.

"Come on, aside from the VIP students, only the first six from each class to get a spot with Andy can attend the party, new students automatically get a spot, if you miss this chance, it might take a while to attend another." She explained with her brows wrinkled.

"Whoa, hold up! That's a thing? I thought everyone in our class could go. Wasn't that what Grace told me?" I asked, seeking clarification.

"Nah, I think she meant that everyone has a shot at going. You see, the ones who scored an invite to this party won't be going to the next one. They gotta spread out the fun, you know? They can't have the whole grade disappearing all at once. So only a limited number of people get to go each time. So if you skip out on this one and plan to go later, me and Grace might not be there." She said, wiping a stain off her hands.

"Oh okayy, well, that's a lot of information to take in, it's a surprise how i don't know about this" I replied in a puzzle.

"I'm surprised as well, actually your class rep should have informed you of this." She replied with a blank look.

"Do you want some juice?" I asked.

"Definitely, you should try your fries with this sauce, it's really good." She said as she handed me her sauce packet.

"Hmmm, it's really good, I didn't know a sauce rather than ketchup could taste so good with fries." I expressed my surprise.

"Of course not. I can never go wrong with food." She responded with a confident grin.

Ha, you were about to tell me about what happened with Florian earlier…….

Grey High School,




"Thanks a lot," I told Kylie, giving her a smile.

"No problem," she replied.

I was supposed to get a pass on this class since I already finished the Math exercises everyone else was doing earlier.

Thank God I did, 'cause I'm not into the idea of copying notes after school.

I just hope I can copy these notes fast and without any mistakes. Honestly, I'm kinda annoyed that I missed class because of some annoying person.

I wonder if the teacher said anything important or gave out any assignments.

Guess I'll have to ask around, ugh, such a hassle.

"Why did you miss fitness class?" Adrian asked unexpectedly.

"Oh, um…I had to serve a punishment for something I did." I replied a little surprised that he noticed.

"You got punished? That's..new, why did you get punished?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"It's a pretty long story, it's kind of embarrassing, really." I replied,honestly embarrassed to tell him what really transpired.

"Okay?" He whispered as he turned to face me.

Wait, how did you know I didn't go to fitness class? We're not in the same class, so you wouldn't know," I asked with curiosity.

"We'll have combined classes for a while because the instructor for my class is currently unavailable for personal reasons," he stated quietly.

"Oh, I see," I replied.

"Unlike others, I would notice if my seat partner is absent," he remarked, turning his attention back to his math assignment.

I have just a few lines to go, a couple of questions and that will be all.

"Raven, do you need help with the notes?" Kylie's voice interrupted.

"No, I'm almost finished, thank you," I said sincerely, offering a genuine smile.

"What about your math assignment? I can help you with that since I'm done with mine," she offered again.

"Don't worry about me; I'm done with that as well. Thanks for trying to help." I replied with a grateful smile.

"Okay, let me know when you're done. I have so many conspiracy theories about 'Sinking Hearts' and I found this page at the cyber cafe that we absolutely have to check out," she said with excitement, shaking my hands.

"No way! Wow, I can't wait to hear all about it. I'll finish up quickly," I replied, sharing in the excitement.

"Huh? What's with the sudden chill and goosebumps?" I thought as I rubbed my arms.

Overexcitement perhaps….

Whatever, I need to get this done with as soon as I can.