Chapter Seventeen

Her cousin was no longer in bed when she awoke, but he did leave a note by her bedside table,

It read,

“Thank you for the bed and food. I made two sandwiches, by the way. See you when I see you, till then, I say… stay safe.

P.s wolf boy has stars in his eyes when he looks at you.

Much love,

Cousin Edward.”

She smiled at the note and folded it before dropping it back on the table. Walking to the window, she noticed that It was well before dawn, but she felt more rested than she has been in days and could not help but wonder if her cousin had slipped her a sleeping charm. It was all fine and good if indeed he had. She too was well aware of her lack of sleep, in any case. And true to the fact, there was a talisman under her pillow when she walked back to the bed to straighten it.

She picked up the talisman and smiled,

“Oh cousin Edward.”


“A word, please,” Dinah said when Layla opened up the door to her later that day.