Chapter Thirty-Five

“I’m sorry if my laughter has upset you,” Alex said at last when she had been silent for the longest time,

“No, you haven’t upset me. You’ve just left me wondering. Maybe I’m not such a reproachable thing after all.” He looked at her, completely flabbergasted,

“Whatever in the world gave you the idea that I thought you were reproachable? My God, Laylah”

She shrugged her shoulders helplessly,

“Not me, Alex. Perhaps, not me. But what I am. What I am is a witch… and witches and werewolves… they don’t get along.” She finished sadly and looked up at him with sad eyes that broke his heart.

No, he thought. This couldn’t be the tone of their relationship now. He wasn’t going to let it happen.

He reached for her hand and squeezed it gently, “why anyway?”

“Excuse me?”

“Why don’t they get along?”

“I don’t know… some ancient battle between our forefathers?”

“Pfft. Our forefathers be damned.”

She laughed and shook her head, “Don’t say that, they can hear you.”