Chapter 13 - Is It Love?

Lan frowned at his mentor’s cavalier attitude with consternation. Experience taught him that Wroth was not lying or joking.

“Why not?” The question burned within him.

“Because of all the Imperial children, legitimate and otherwise, you are the only one who felt the need to come and take care of these people, your people, who were being murdered in their homes and roads.” Wroth was a man of simple directness. If he said something, it was true. It was up to the listener to understand what he meant. Not that he spoke in riddles; one just had to understand Wroth’s morality.

“Besides,” Wroth added before wandering off, “Everyone has a limit.” Lan nodded now. More to himself than anyone else as he pondered his mentor words. The soldier believed him the prince. There was something in Rengard Lan’s personality which led Wroth to believe that this Mage would not be a danger to his people. “And you aren’t a Necromancer. Just a young man caught on the wrong end of a mislaid spell.”