The crowd had been too much for her. All the stress of the previous few days and the press of all these people, Lyla had fainted. At least that’s what Lan had originally thought as his charge collapsed in his arms. But he was soon proven wrong as the old woman that acted as the village healer began sharply ordering others around and her parents began frantically searching Lyla’s pockets for a medicine bag that Lan had never seen.
“Lyla” The prince gasped in surprise as he felt Lyla fading. “What’s wrong?”
Through his connection with the patient, Lan sensed her sudden illness. His mind panicked as the life of the woman he adored began slipping away. He needed to heal her. He needed to…why was no one moving away or rendering assistance?
There was a person in distress here. She needed to be laid down so that she could be examined and cared for. Yet the villagers just ignored Lyla’s distress and continued on in their excited conversations as if nothing was happening.