Lan trudged carefully through the dark night. Fog drifted through the village. A freezing fog that felt like little ice particles pelting his exposed face as he plodded with footfalls heavy with the weight of his anger. Someone had tried to kill Lyla. Someone had tried to kill Lyla twice.
A savage snarl ripped through the ferocious sneer of rage on his lips. While the prince had been at Lyla’s side and could track her progress and recovery, he’d been able to focus on his concern. But now that she wasn’t immediately in his sight, the fact that he didn’t know how she would fare had him leaning into the less nurturing emotions that had been warring for his attention.
“Hey, Lan. I don’t suppose you’d mind helping a fellow out and conjuring a light for those of us with terrible night visi-? Shit, ow. Again. Please.” Caleb had either twisted his ankle or stubbed his foot on a rock or some other obstacle.