Ninety Eight


"You and your father are a curse to the world and everyone around you!"

What nonsense!

How dare he bring my father into this?

It's his fault that Melody is sad. It's his fault that she is hurt. It's his fault that Melody is hurt and he blames me.

I wasn't even there neither was my father so how is this my family's fault?

"You bunch of selfish low lives. You ruined us all!"

Dorian's paws scratched my arm before I realised what was happening.

My eyes turned dark but I still tried to stay calm. I wanted to act reasonably and not on impulse. I was pissed that's for sure but for Melody, I was trying to be the better man.

"Calm down and tell me what really happened."

I tried to sound calm and nice but I don't know how it sounded to Dorian because instead of being calm he was the opposite.

He attempted to scratch my face but I ducked. However, my chin couldn't escape.