Chapter 18: "Don't Fuck with the Boudreaux Sisters."

After Darren had finished taking pictures with his dad, he walked back over to the table he was originally sitting at, with Lady and Bri. He quickly realized two things; one, Bri had left and two, Lady hadn’t returned, either. He also noticed that his drink was still sitting in the exact same spot. Darren picked up his drink and took a sip that turned into a huge gulp. He didn’t realize he was so thirsty, all of a sudden. After he finished the drink off, he burped and squinted his eyes a little bit, as he felt a sudden bite in the back of his throat.

Darren shrugged it off and thought out loud to himself, “Damn. Did I pour me up some of that punch that Auntie Angie made, by mistake? Damn.” Darren shrugged his shoulders again and rubbed his throat as he walked to the trash can to toss his cup away. He spoke out loud to himself again, “Guess Imma be getting drunk with the grown folks tonight.”