Chapter 8

Alessia's POV

I was laying on the bed when I heard voices outside in the hall. It sounds like they are playing some sort of game. I wonder if there are only guys in this place. After some time I hear a door being kicked down. Maybe they are killing someone? My subconscious says. Yeah maybe someone went to hide in a room and they got that person. Standing up I walk to the door trying to listen if I hear anything, but all I hear is laughter maybe they are just playing I don’t know and don’t care I just want to get out of here. My headache is killing me. I went back to bed deciding to sleep for a while. My stomach begins to grumble realizing I didn’t eat since yesterday. After a while of tossing and turning I hear the door open and sit up straight waiting for whoever walks in.

My eyes went wide when I notice the man that saved me with four other men. They step inside my room. And let me tell you these guys are handsome. One of them I remember I think his name is Samuele. The guy who saved me walks up to me with a plate in his hands.

"Here is some food for you, as soon as you are finished Stefano will see to your injuries." The handsome man tells me. I just nod and take the plate from him. Looking at the pancakes my mouth begins to water.

"Thank you," I say just before eating. I let out a moan without realizing it but when someone chuckles I suddenly remember the five men that are still with me. Looking up I see Samuele smirk.

"Hello again." I nod again, not that I want to be rude or anything but dammit these are the best pancakes I ever had, or maybe it's because I haven't eaten today.

After I finished my delicious pancakes the man who rescued me walked up to me, "This is Stefano, Luca, Samuele, and Ciro, you'll be seeing them a lot." The man said, pointing to each one as he said their names. I don’t like the idea of being in a room full of handsome men.

"Stefano will see to your injuries." He said again after I don’t reply. Stefano walks towards me making me move to the other side of the bed.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to make sure you don’t have any broken bones," Stefano said giving me a reassuring smile.

Stefano begins to do whatever he has to do when he asked me to lift my shirt up. "I... I don’t think I have broken ribs." I quickly say before he can lift my shirt.

Stefano turns to his friends, "Can I have a moment alone with her?" He asks them. Three of them nod and went outside except for the man whose name I don’t know.

"You can carry on." These were the only words that left his mouth.

Stefano sights then whisper, "I won't hurt you I promise." I don't know why but I trust him. I nod and take the covers off. He starts examining me.

"You are lucky, it's just a few broken ribs and bruises. Your head will hurt for a while there's a bump from when you hit your head. You just need to keep still for a few days so your ribs can fully heal." I hear him say. No shit, I've been through this a lot. I think I know how long broken ribs will take to heal.

I smile at him politely, "Thank you." I shift up a bit feeling a pair of eyes burning on me. I didn't dare to look up.

"You and I need to talk". The man whose name I still don't know says.

"What about?" I asked sweetly.

"Don't play stupid with me. We both know what we need to talk about!" He suddenly says in a cold voice that will make anyone pee their pants.

"I told you everything about me already. If you will excuse me I'm really tired." I dismiss this annoying man.

"I won't let you go until I know the truth." He says then turns around and leaves with Stefano following him.

"Great, my life just got a lot more fuckt up!" I shout into my pillow. My eyes slowly get heavy and before I know it I'm out cold. When I wake up my throat feels dry. I sit up straight and slowly stand up and walk to the bathroom. I try to get some water from the tap but no water comes out. UGG, just fucking great.

I walk towards the shower but find the same result. What the actual fuck! I walk towards the door and start knocking on it.

"Hey! Can I please have some water?" I yell still banging on the door.

"I know you idiots are out there I want some fucking water!" I shout even harder.

Suddenly the door swings open and hit me hard and I fell on my ass. "What a fucking gentleman." I whisper or so I thought, "You know for a lady you got a foul mouth". The Greek god tells me.

"Who said I'm a lady". I snort.

"I'll give you food and water if you tell me what I want to know." I roll my eyes, "And I will tell you again I don't have anything to fucking tell you! Get it in your thick skull!" I point at him.

"As you wish." He says and turns around to leave.

"By the way, Elma sents love." Before I can say or do anything his out.

"You fucking bastard! Leave Elma out of this do you hear me!" I shout. Dammit, what the hell did Elma do to him? She's a sweet old lady that took me in four years ago when I just came to Rome. She saw me sleeping in an alley and offer me a place to stay. Elma even helped me get a job at the bar. She knows all about my life. She offered me one of her apartments saying a young girl needs her privacy. We quickly become attached. He won't go after her will he? She's innocent. I walk back to my bed and lay down staring at the roof. Why won't he just take me back to them already? Did they ask him to torture me like this? I need a way to escape from here. With that thought, I quickly stand up and walk towards the window.

Fantastic, I could easily get out of here. I try opening the glass door but it won't budge. Great! He locked the door. "No shit, did you think he will leave it open for you?" My subconscious mocks me. I was just about to take the chair when the door opens again.

"Hello, princess. Bossman wants you to watch a little show he is busy making." One of his goons said.

"What show might that be? Dump and dumper?" I ask sarcastically.

"Shut your tramp and watch." The bulky guy says. I sit down and wait for him to put the TV on. What I see in front of me makes my eyes almost pop out.

"Where the fuck is that baboon face? I'm going to kill him myself if he hurts her."! I demand.

"Tell me your name and he will let her go." The guy says.

"You already know my name. Why are you still keeping me here anyway? Are they on their way over here?" I asked afraid of what that asshole will do to Elma.

"Your name is princess and are you working for the Russian Mafia?" He asks again. I cross my arms and look at him without answering his questions. He takes his phone and calls someone while talking he shows me to look at the TV. My eyes grew wider when I saw rat's face pointing a gun between Elma's eyes.

"Alessia! Alessia Berlusconi! Now let her go you fuck head!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

"Now, that wasn't so hard, and the other question?" I take a big breath before saying,

"I'm not family of the Russian Mafia, I'm engaged to Sergei Mikhas." I finally revealed the truth.

"Will you please let her go now?" I asked as tears roll down my cheeks. When I look up the man has already left leaving me alone. "I'm sorry Elma," I whisper over and over again.