Chapter 6

Alessia's POV

I wake up groaning at the sharp pain piercing my head, my body feels stiff and sore. I try to compose myself, wondering where I am. The last thing I remembered was the guy who broke into my apartment throwing me against the wall. Struggling to sit up straight I looked around, I was met by a familiar room. What was I doing back here? Did this guy send someone after me? Maybe he's working with Sergei? All these questions are going through my head. I stand up abruptly making my head pulse and my vision blurry for a moment. I let myself have a minute to compose before I stood up. I went over to the door only to find it locked. Strange. I thought why would he lock me in this room? Suddenly I hear someone by the door and quickly walk back to the bed ignoring the pain in my stomach.

The door swung open and closed bringing my attention to the same guy from the other night. He looked at me and asked' "Sei ferito?" {Are you hurt}. In his deep Italian voice. I looked behind him, afraid that they will come in and take me. He cleared his throat after I took forever to answer him. Looking back at him I shook my head, I really shouldn't have done that.

My face scrunches up in pain as I felt a sharp pain jab my head. "Seite". {You are}, he said more to himself than me. He sighed and then squinted at me.

"You lied to me." I looked at him confused,

"When did I lie to you?" I let the question slip out, realizing I said it out loud I bit my lip. Shit!

"You know the guys who tried to kidnap you, and your name is not Gioia Brambilla". I pretend to be offended, "I did not lie about anything, if you want an id I can give it to you".

He looked me in the eyes, feeling like he was searching for something in my eyes. I broke eye contact first and look at the wall that has suddenly become very interesting. "Anyone can get a fake id, I can tell you are lying to me."

"So it was you who sent that guy to me? And now I have to hear you're false accusations?" He keeps staring at me coldly making shivers run down my spine.

"I am never wrong and I have sent no one after you, if I wanted you, I have gone and get you myself." I scoff but decided to show some respect for him since he was the one that saved my life.

"I told you I hate liars, all you have to do is tell me who you are and why that guy wanted to kidnap you."

"And I'm telling you I didn't lie!" He shrugged,

"You will stay in this room until you tell me the truth." He turns around muttering something.

"Hey, where are you going? You can't just leave me here locked up!' He ignores me and opens the door looking at me one last time before closing it. I stand up and run to the door trying to open it, "Babbuino! Apri questa fottuta porta idiota! Aspetta finchè non metto le mani su la tua brutta faccia! Ti dispiace, il culo si pentirà di avermi rinchiuso!" {You baboon! Open this fucking door moron! Just wait until I get my hands on your ugly face! Your sorry ass will regret locking me up!}. Okay, I may be lying now, in fact, his God sent to woman. Blond, fucking well build, I think he can hurt a girl if his one that likes it rough, blue eyes that look like the ocean, and O my, that tattoo's, man what I would give up for just one night with him. You're missing the point here stop drooling and focus. My subconscious tells me.

I went back to the bed knowing his not going to unlock it soon. My body aches. Letting out a frustrated groan I laid back down, sighing at my situation. I was tired, afraid and my body is aching all over. It feels like I'm back home with all these bruises. My exhaustion overtook every other emotion and soon I found myself drifting to sleep. I groaned still quite sleepy and turned my head, letting my eyes slowly open. Eyes only half-open I could see someone standing next to the bed, groaning again I fully open my eyes and look up at the person who woke me up. I quickly sat upright and pushed myself away from him.

I was now fully awake. "I didn’t mean to scare you," He apologizes with a small smile.

"Then you shouldn’t have stared at me like a creep while I was sleeping," I mumbled but he must have heard it because of his laughing.

"I didn’t mean to come forward as a creep, I'm sorry". He said sending me a friendly smile.

"Why are you here?" I asked pulling the cover closer to me.

"I was sent to check up on you and couldn’t help but notice that long mark on your back."

I frowned. "How did it happen?" I shrugged.

"I fall on a glass table when I was a kid", I lie. He just nods, not believing the bullshit I just told him.

"You're not a very good liar". He states.

"Hey, what do you mean?" I faked feeling offended.

"The wound has been caused by someone because if you fell on a glass table like you said you had, the cut wouldn't be looking like an x on your back." I blushed feeling exposed, and turn away from him.

"It's alright we all have our secrets." I just nod without looking at him.

"How are your head and stomach feeling?" He asked looking to see if I have any pain.

"All better now, thank you." I lied again, I don’t want anyone examining me.

"You know I can tell your lying, I will send Stefano to come and check up on you're stomach again, last night boss told us you had a few blows to your stomach we just need to make sure nothing is broken." I bit my lips at the thought that someone might see all my scars.

"I will give you some time to think about it," He said moving towards the door.

"What's your name?" He asked before opening the door.

"Gioia," I said without hesitation.

"I'm Samuele, nice to meet you." He said with a smile. Only then did I notice how handsome he was, from his short black hair, his grey eyes, and broad shoulders. I nodded and watch as he leaves the room, leaving me alone once again. I was laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling when the door suddenly opens, and the man that helped me walked in.

"Ready to tell me the truth?" I just stare at him, what is his problem?

"If you tell me the truth I will let you go."

"I don’t have anything to tell you, I already told you the truth". He looked at me annoyed.

"Fine, if you don’t want to tell me the truth you will stay locked up."

"I will send someone to check on your injuries". He said before closing the door again. Leaving to wonder why it's so important to him, to tell the truth.