Chapter 15

Alessia's POV

I was busy painting when someone walks through the door I look up and saw Samuele. "Hey, lunch is almost ready and the girls are on their way." I hear him say. I put my paintbrush down and turn around.

"Thank you, I just want to wash up then I will go down." I smile at him, but he doesn't look at me instead he is looking at my painting.

"Is that me your painting?" He asked with administration clear in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for not asking you first," I said looking down at my hands.

"No, it's not that, I didn't know you can paint this good." I look up at him and saw him smile.

"Thank you. I have been painting ever since I can remember".

"I love it, now let's get going before the others come and drag us down."

"So who are the girls?" I asked as we walk to my room.

"They are the assassins of our gang, they are nice but don't mess with them. There are three of them, Isabella, Vittoria, and Camilla." I nodded and went inside my room and quickly change into a white tank top, black jeans, and my white vans. When I came out Samuele is still outside my door.

"Ready to meet the rest of the gang?" He asked. I nod and follow him downstairs to the kitchen. There sat three girls around the counter with Stefano and I think Luca if I remember right.

"Who's the new girl?" One girl with black hair asked as soon as she sees me.

"This is Alessia Berlusconi". Johnny said behind me making me jump a little.

"Did you add a new member to the gang?" A girl with dark brown hair asked.

"No, I didn't add a new member." That was all Johnny said before sitting down.

"I want her to train with you as soon as possible. The Russian Mafia is after her and I think her parents are in on it." He informed all of us.

"Wait, what do you mean by training with them?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I received a note from your father, they want you and will not rest until they get you back. They teamed up with the Russians, I think there's more to the story about why the Russians want you, and your father is the missing link." I just stand there frozen, will I ever have a normal life again? Why do they want me so badly? Who was my father? All these questions went through my head.

"We will start training tomorrow morning." One of the girls said I just nod. The girls introduce themselves to me, they seemed harmless and nice they are a few years older than me. Isabella had black hair and blue eyes. Vittoria had dark brown hair and greyish eyes. Last but not least was Camilla, she had red hair with green eyes.

"Now it's your turn to introduce yourself," Isabella said looking at me.

"I'm Alessia Berlusconi." They all looked at me shocked.

"Your father is one of the other mafia gangs?" Camilla asked me.

"My stepfather, but I don't know what kind of business he has I assume he's part of a gang," I answered honestly.

"Your sister is a bitch." Vittoria comments and the others look at her.

"What? You both know it's true. She can't keep her legs closed and always looks like she's going to a strip show." Vittoria continues and looks at me, "I'm sorry, but it's true." She said.

"It's alright, it's not like we are close so it doesn't matter what you say about her," I assure Vittoria. It was silent for a few minutes before Isabella spoke up.

"Have you ever fought with somebody?"

"No, I haven't fought anybody before," I replied.

"Then that's where we are going to start, be up at five tomorrow morning."


"No way I'm getting up that early," Camilla said.

"Yeah me neither".

"Fine, be ready at seven nothing later." Isabella finally gave in.

"Still early but fine," Vittoria said and stands up. The girls said goodbye and I'm left alone wondering what to do. I walk to the back door and open it in the process bumping into someone.

"Watch where you going!" A man said and I realize it was Ciro. "I... I'm sorry, I didn't see you." I stuttered, turning around to go to my new studio I walked around for a while before realizing I'm lost in this big house.

"Dammit, why didn't I take notice of how to get to the studio?" I try again but fail to get to the studio I can open the other rooms remembering what Johnny told me about going into other rooms. I decided to sit down until someone finds me.

"Great if it wasn't for Ciro I wouldn't be in this fucking situation." This is so stupid.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Luca chuckling behind me.

"I think I got lost trying to find my way to the studio so I thought someone will find me here and take me there." I sighed frustrated.

"That's nice, lucky for you I found you." He laughs.

"Johnny wants to see you in his office." I nodded then followed him to the third floor, down a long hallway. The hallway led to a dark wooden door. Luca knocked once then walked in with me following him like a lost puppy. The office had a big desk in front of a huge window, two chairs on the other side of the table, and a sofa against one wall. On the other side of the wall, there was a bookshelf filled with books.

"I found our lost little puppy." Luca comments while laughing.

I just rolled my eyes at him, "I wasn't lost, I was just sitting on the floor trying to meditate." I lied not wanting Johnny to know that I got lost.

"No, she got lost trying to find the studio." Luca continues laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Stefano asked once he and Samuele came inside.

"I'm laughing at our lost puppy," Luca informed them.

"I told you I wasn't lost, now will you shut up?" I asked becoming embarrassed when they all laugh at me.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked Johnny trying to change the subject of my humiliation.

"Yes, I want you to get ready. We are going to a ball tonight and you're going to be my date."

"Why do I have to go?"

"Because I told you to."

"I don't want to go, thank you for asking anyway," I told him with a frown I don't feel like going to some fancy ball.

"I didn't ask, I told you you're going and that's final. Do as your told and don't talk back." He glared at me.

"I will send your dress up to you, go and shower." He said to me or more like demand me.

"Stefano take her to her room so she won't get lost again." After he said that everyone started laughing and I glared at Johnny.

"Asshole". I whisper but guess he heard it,

"Not very ladylike to swear like that." I scoff and roll my eyes.

"I'm not a lady, Stefano let's get out of here before I say some more unladylike words," I said then grab Stefano by the arms.