Chapter 18

Johnny's POV

I was busy fighting three men who came up to me and realize it was a distraction to get to Alessia. I take my knife out now behind pissed that these fuckers got into my house, I swiftly stab one of the men letting him fall lifeless, and make my move to the next man within a few minutes he drops dead. "It's just you and I now, so I suggest you surrender." I was just about to attack when Ciro came from behind and beheaded him.

"They got Alessia". I told him while running in the other direction.

"Let her go!" The man holding Alessia stopped, turn around and see him surrounded by my men.

"There's no way you will get out of here alive if you try anything stupid." He started looking around only to find no exit.

"Give her back and I will let you go." Ciro nods his head and I knew he was about to move in.

"I'm going to ask you one last time, let go of Alessia." Before he knows what hit him, Ciro grabbed him by the neck.

"Take him to the basement," I instructed one of my men. I walked over to Alessia and notice she was shaking, "Sei al sicuro, rilassati. Inspira ed espira." (You are safe, relax. Breathe in and out.) I told her while holding her shoulders. She breathed a few times while I repeated it until she was no longer shaking.

Two of my men appear, "Stai bene signore? Eventuali lesioni?" (Are you alright Sir? Any injuries?) I ignored the question and storm towards them, "Come cazzo è successo?" (How the fuck did this happen?).

"Non siamo esattamente sicuri capo..."(We're not exactly sure boss...) He didn't get to finish when I cut him off.

"Bene, scopri come cazzo quattro uomini entrano a casa mia con tutte le mie sicurezze!"(Well find out how the fuck four men hot into my place with all my securities!)

"Subito capo"(Right away boss.) They said together. Stefano walked over to us, "Is there anyone dead?"

"No, just the gate security that's badly injured." He replied. I nodded and walked past him, Alessia following me, I walked past all of my men back inside to where Samuele and Luca stood around the dead bodies. I study the dead bodies, Luca kneeled beside one of the men and I pulled up his shirt, a large skull was painted on the left side of his chest with Russian words written under it. Luca looked up at me.

"They were here for her." He said giving a small nod to Alessia.

"Yeah, that we already know." We turned and look at Alessia.

"What?" "Get rid of these bodies and tell everyone to meet me in half an hour," I said walking away. I hear footsteps following me,

"Hey! Wait up!" She shouts but I just keep walking toward my study.

"Can you please just stop? I almost got kidnapped! What about me?"

"There's no one here to hurt or take you, Alessia. I suggest you go back to your room and rest for a while."

"No, I want to be with you inside the room."

"What?" I asked I hope I misunderstood her.

"Not inside my room, I mean with you and the rest in the meeting." She quickly corrects herself.

"You know I already told you what goes on in my meetings got nothing to do with you".

"This has nothing to do with what's going on in the meeting it's the way I'm dressed isn't it?" She asked in disbelief.

I scoffed, "Look at yourself, I have a lot of men in there and you dress up like that will only distract them".

"What do you want me to wear? I don't have clothes here!" She started to get frustrated. I ignore her not wanting to get into an argument over simple stuff I got much bigger problems.

"Why am I still here? Why do you protect me?" She finally asked. I don't know myself that's what I wanted to say, "I care about women and children, Alessia, just be grateful that you are still here and not with the Mikhas or your parents." I said and she looked away from me.

We walked inside my study and I sit on my chair waiting for my men and the girls to come. It wasn't long before my men start walking in and looking at Alessia. This is what I meant when I told her she can't be in here. I can sense she's getting uncomfortable with some of my staring at her. "Samuele, would you please escort Alessia out of here," I instruct Samuele. As soon as they went out I started to discuss what will happen next and what we should do with Alessia.

"Any questions?" I asked my gang before dismissing them.

"Good you all can go now and Isabella I want you to get some clothes for Alessia that won't distract my men."

"Yes, boss." Once everyone left except for Stefano, Luca, and Ciro, Alessia, and Samuele walk in. I can tell she wants to know what has been said.

"Was I discussed during your meeting?"

"If you were discussed or not you will never know because you weren't in the meeting now were you?" I said as I continue to work on my laptop.

She sat down on one of my couches, "You do realize this shit that has happened is because of me?" I just ignore her and continue to do my work. A while later she starts to flick her fingers against the couch.

"Is there something you would like to say?" I asked her with a raised brow.

"No". She hummed.

I studied her closely, "Are you sure?"

"Yup." She started to get uncomfortable under my eyes and rub her arms. I watch her movement and saw a big bruise on her arm.

"What happened there?" I asked getting up from my chair.

"O, that's nothing." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"It was him wasn't it?"

"No shit Sherlock." She said rolling her eyes.

"Yes, when he dragged me away he pressed too hard."

"let's get you back to your room. Stefano will get you some ointment to put on." I said looking at Stefano.

"The rest of you come with me. We have a few errands to run." Stefano takes Alessia and leads her back to her room and just as I was about to walk in the other direction Alessia hugs me, "Thank you for saving me again." I turned to look at her but she had already run up to Stefano.

"Hey! That's unfair! We all saved you!" Luca shouts making me slap his head. "Come on let's go."