Chapter 20

Alessia's POV

I was lying on my bed when the door suddenly opens. I look up and saw Johnny and Ciro walking inside. Johnny was wearing blue denim with a black t-shirt while Ciro was wearing blue denim with a white t-shirt, I raised my brow at them. "You're going out with the girls". He said.

I frowned at him not understanding why I can go out all of the sudden. "Why?"

"Didn't you say you don't have clothes to wear?" Ciro asked in a bored tone.

"Yes I know, but is it a good idea seeing that I almost got kidnapped yesterday?" I said questioning them.

"The girls will be with you the whole time, besides they are trained assassins."

"Yeah, and I have the Russian Mafia and my parents who want me."

"Don't you trust the girls or us?" Johnny suddenly asked.

"I.. yes I do trust you."

"Then this discussion is over". Ciro said rudely. I nod before standing up. I quickly check myself in the mirror to redo my hair, I look back and see Johnny still standing there.