Chapter 24

Alessia's pov

I walked into the bathroom and I take a sharp intake of air as I look at it.

It was much more relaxing than the one back at Johnny's other house. The theme color is brown and white with a Spanish flair it features his and hers washbasins and lavatories, plus a wall of showerheads (nine in total) and a steam shower.

The whole place is a double-story log cabin which I love it's comfortable and cozy, nothing here seems luxurious or sophisticated.

I walked over to the bathtub that resembles a small pool and turns on the hot water tab then close and lock the door. I find a honey bubble bath and pour some into the bathtub before stripping down.

I slipped into my hot bathtub letting out a blissful sight. After spending a while in the bath, I got out and dried myself, my stomach growling in the process.