Chapter 26

Alessia's pov

I've had a sleep-in today seeing that the last few days have been hectic. I want to explore the house as soon as possible.

The cold had intensified the last few days, making it hard to go outside, I had been thinking to use the huge jacuzzi they have but pushed the thought away realizing Johnny would see me and get mad.

Today Johnny was going to buy the paint Clarissa and I have chosen, while Clarissa and Elma went to some tea party they were invited to and Ciro was in the study.

I asked Johnny why Ciro is always in the study never coming out and he said he's working on something he asked him to do.

The door suddenly opens and Johnny walks in.

"You know there's a thing called knocking?"

"O that's what they call it". He said not sounding like he caught the sarcasm in my voice.

He closes the door, "Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"