Chapter 32

Alessia's pov

Last night was nice. Johnny's grandpa is a sweet old man, except for the fact that he kept saying that johnny and I are dating.

I went up to my room just after dinner, well more like after my third glass of wine. I can't believe that I was tipsy.

The bedroom door opened and Johnny walked in smiling at me.

I gosh, that smile.

"I see you are up. Breakfast Is ready." He said while looking at me.

I nodded, "Thank you, I'm just going to have a quick shower give me ten minutes."

He nodded and walked out of my room. I quickly got up and went to my closet and decided to wear my ripped denim and a white t-shirt with my red trench coat.

I quickly showered and got dressed. I put my hair in a high ponytail and walked out of the room.

I hear music coming from downstairs wondering what's happening.

Ciro and Johnny were already seated and served their food when I entered.

"What's with the music"? I asked them.